Escape the Car: Speedrun Guide
Escape the Car: Speedrun Guide
更新时间 7 years ago RobAndrew

You need to grab the flash light, go to the back of the car, grab the screwdriver, knife, and gold key.

Use the gold key on the dashboard to get the tape and batteries,

use the batteries on the flashlight, and go to the back.

Use the knife to cut the strips and enter the code "E40" into the keypad.

Use the flashlight to see and hit the left taillight to get the grey key.

Go back to the front, and under the steering wheel, use the screwdriver to get to the wires.

You want to click on the red, blue, grey, and green wires, then put electrical tape on all of them.

Go back, and turn on the car.

Go back down and click on "Trunk" to open the trunk.

Now go back to the trunk (where you used the keypad to get in), and you should see that trunk is now open.

发布于 7 years ago
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