Animal Crossing New Leaf First Debt Guide (Detailed)
Animal Crossing New Leaf First Debt Guide (Detailed)
更新时间 8 years ago SonicBrawler

This one is an edited version of Clutz's guide, with alternate options (for getting enough bells to buy the shovel) and goes into a little bit more detail. (The strats I use)

  • Create a New Town and make sure the town hall and plaza are close to the gate.

  • Talk to Isabelle

  • Talk to nook in nook homes

  • Place tent anywhere. This wont matter as you do not need it for the run.

  • Talk with Isabelle again

  • Place the sapling (If you find the Perfect Fruit at any point before this mark, grab it along with 1 other fruit. If not, get 6 fruit and take off your socks)

  • Sell fruit/socks to Timmy/Tommy

  • Buy the shovel (This is now where the run can die. If you do not find the money rock right away, or mess up on it, reset and try another run.)

  • find the money rock and dig holes so it ends up like this:

    xx p r

x = holes p = player r = rock

you wont have time to find the rock THEN dig the holes, so you will need to dig the holes BEFORE hitting the rock. Makes sure to wedge yourself between the two holes.

  • hit the money rock a total of 8 times (max amount)
  • grab the final 2 bags of cash. It should be the 8 thousand bells and the 6 thousand bells.
  • speak to nook in nook homes
  • pay off debt
  • Time ends when your character fist pumps after exiting the building.