Meet & Greet
7 years ago
Västerbotten, Sweden

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Xena: Warrior Princess: The Talisman of Fate community!

This is a thread where you can write a post and tell us about yourself, what you think of the games and your speedrun related ideas about it! Also suggestions can be posted here but if you want to make your own post that works great too!

Speedrunning of this game came about because Kommissaarien already had been doing a bunch of Despair% runs with her friends. She pitched it to me and I jumped on the train!

Take care and let's enjoy this true-to-the-series fighting game together! :D

Ohio, USA

Booming thread. I'm Get Low, and I'm the moderator of this game now, because the original mod hadn't logged on in like, three years.

Kentucky, USA

Booming indeed GetLow. I'm the new WR holder for every category in this game. I've been speedrunning for 10 years now.

Västerbotten, Sweden

Haha can't say I started it to make it boom.. but from how I worded my first post it does sound like I wanted to start a whole community. Kommi was hella inactive but I've been around. Prolly was for the best someone took over the moderation for this one tho. GZ to the world records Kefka14!

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