1221 can run poorly on some devices (or not even run at all) and since the majority of the colo1 leaderboard is in the latest patches I think it should become its own category and move all latest patch runs to it. I honestly don't think it will be a competitive board but at least it's more fair for those who don't want to/cannot play 1221
autosplitting is not possible on console, to record runs you can use a capture card or in last case record your screen with a camera
also known as ''tigrinsheet'', it's a sheet with the world record holder of each category and subcategory in all 3 hollow knight SRC pages (main boards, category extensions and modded) and a leaderboard with all runners and the amount of records each runner has
also has a second page to console only so you can see who holds each console rekky and with the same stats to see which runner has more rekkies
wanted to post this here so all runners who aren't in the ''HK Speedrunning and Racing Community'' discord server can see it here
I work on it quite often to update all WR holders but if you get a rekky I take too long to put your name in the sheet feel free to dm me on discord and I'll update it right away (I can forget sometimes)
there is a category in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSHyJ2ZdtTPvoudRJ_VAW_an61MumAHdsQOm4Z9wvn_ou73rxX9w9ydb_lDuyOTCnXvmb68HlMrjPYa/pubhtml# that is to beat all 3 forms of every boss in the hall of gods so if you're interested in that you can go for it, then go to the discord and post your time there and people will add your time into the sheet
you're timing it right, don't use the in-game save file timer because that one doesn't count main menu time and paused time