thread: Roblox: DOORS
thread: Plants vs. Zombies
I know the topic isn't that important, but I have a question. Can I speedrun PvZ with the 16:9 WideScreen mode?
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How to make baldi after 2 Notebooks be next to the yellow door like in this video?
thread: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
How to make a timer to make it count in-game time, for example, as in this video? -
SuperGamer64 likes this
thread: Plants vs. Zombies
Beat every secret mini-game. Any order is allowed.
Timing starts on the first frame of the first level you play. Timing ends on clicking on the coin bag/trophy after beating the last level.
All shop items (rakes, extra seed slots, etc.) are allowed, including buying a rake before the start of the run. Having all the secret mini-games unlocked or beaten beforehand is also allowed.
Required for runs below 50:00.
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