goodron2 days ago

High Dive Armando Warp Comparison

~40s drive or less = not worth it even with a cab in front of you and no extra setup also kinda depends on how close Armando is to destination

Chinese Takeout drive is ~50s (time from fade in to fade out) + would require double mission fail like on This Ain't Checkers, no chance it's worth considering

Departure Time ~60s drive from fade in to hitting the marker but you won't setup the Broker warp from Ladies Half Price end so extra taxi fare + that location is pretty far away

You can also warp to cleaning platforms like that 5s + 3 loads slower (loads are removed in the video)

Entering a computer doesn't seem to teleport the player, just opens internet as if you used a trainer to open it anywhere. ATM machines also don't teleport you but they softlock the camera like a wardrobe glitch, seemingly without any good effect. Camera can be fixed by entering a cab or forcing some non cinematic mission cutscene, like a mission fail or the one at the start of Frosting on the Cake. It also seems to change the game color or contrast.

goodron2 months ago

Liberty City Choppers Micro-SMG vs Sawed-Off

End of Chapter no RPG vs RPG

goodron5 months ago

It's War classic jump (bottom left)

Alderney Angus Thefts Bati (100% & same route as Classic)

Alderney Angus Thefts Hellfury (100%)

Knowing Me, Knowing You (100%)

goodron6 months ago

no it's not allowed, and there's literally no reason to use anything other than xliveless

dxvk will make your loads 25 min long; it's "not disallowed" since it's technically "not a mod" (?)

the recommended downgrader is pinned in gta4 channel in discord, using the one from modding sites might lead to more mods in your installation, such as xliveless asi version which crashes the game when vidwarping

idk what you mean by "the other stuff"

goodron6 months ago

all possible spawns for Clay/Terry/Jim when you call then for activities (hand-made)

some "too close" distance memes are probably involved idk

thread: The Site
goodron8 months ago

The arrow to the right is not obvious at all. I don't personally see the reason to hide 2nd row at all but it could be at least optional for each leaderboard

Also, gonna repost my support ticket here after 3 months of it hanging:

The Record History feature is great, but unfortunately it doesn't reflect the moment Main Timing was changed. leaderboard had switched to LRT in January, 2021 but both the History tab and the graph don't account for that, and WR history is inaccurate as a result. Is it possible to implement note about timing change and make both graph/history thing use two different timings before/after the change was made?

Grapevine likes this
goodron9 months ago

thank you, thank you, im so honored

goodron10 months ago

last msg was supposed to go to tlad, restore option doesn't do anything so there's a double post

armando map repost (pic died)

Borders between islands are very inaccurate, you'll have to ignore them. Game seems to pick the location on the closer island, and it will never pick a location from another island (Colony Island is considered a part of Algonquin). The colorless parts are spheric (calling too close to a location will force the other closest one).

goodron10 months ago

Seems faster to go towards bikers (<1s, pause/unpause doesn't do anything); not moving is same as driving away.

in case you were wondering, old Liz marker is 2s slower (+ you gotta spam Enter hard and not have 2nd passenger for it to turn)

Terry alternatives (hang up the call in colored zone)

Willis spot doesn't seem to give many cabs and cops are hard to lose in actual runs.

Alt route: EoC - (E text) MFoG - BS - (2 texts + rpg) SW

Can be ~3-5s faster than current one but wasn't tested too many times. You need to get a decent cab after BS otherwise it's better to skip RPG; if you got no text arriving to RPG, wait until it comes before taxiing to Elisabeta.

goodron11 months ago

Copypasting Powdinet message from discord.

Regarding gang wars, there is a launcher script and two different gang war scripts.

With about 75% chance, the first script is used, otherwise the second script is used.

The first script are what you can call "random gang wars". This script generates a gang war like this

  • Generate random car node within 700 units

  • if the player is within 350 units, or the generated car node's Z coordinate is < 0 and the timer since the script started is less than 10 seconds, wait a frame and go back to the previous step, otherwise continue

There are a few kinds of random gang war (kill some random bikers driving, destroy a truck, and one more) but that doesn't really matter

From the usual spot used in hundo, whatever is inside green can be a possible spawn, but not what is in red (first image)

The second script are "fixed gang wars", the kind that are always in the same spot. There are 15 possible ones and they are generated like this:

  • Generate a random number from 0 to 15

  • If the player is within 1500 units of the generated location and not within 350 units, and if the generated gang war is not one of the last two fixed gang wars generated, choose this location

  • Otherwise, try again.

It will try to generate a random gang war up to 50 times, at which point it will give up and just choose whatever the last one was. This could potentially be on the opposing side of the map, there are no further checks at this point.

From the usual spot used in hundo, whatever is inside green can be a possible spawn, but not what is in red, unless it tried and failed to generate one with the given conditions within 50 tries (second image)

NABN00B and L0UIE like this
goodron1 year ago

Clean & Serene shitpost

Forgot to post this when I recorded it. I used a trainer to clear roads at all times, results are still kinda weird. Seems like you want same fps you use to ride a bike yourself, but maybe locking to 26 on turns is meta rn.

goodron2 years ago

Liberty City Choppers Void Warp vs Classic

It's War Taxi vs Classic

Buyer's Market Jump Out vs Go Down calling someone will skip the dialogue and make it faster

Off Route Void Warp FPS 15 fps might be a bit slower but you won't get stunned by smg cop

This Shit's Cursed Algonquin Drive Back

Heavy Toll

TL:DR stay on the road

Shifting Weight FPS Low FPS is clearly faster, 2nd comparison to make sure it's consistent. Calling for backup allegedly makes targets have less HP.

Diamonds in the Rough Lycan vs. Hexer

Collector's Item Start (seems worthless)

Collector's Item Jumps

Roman's Holiday Bohan Markers

Get Lost Prison Exit

goodron2 years ago

I guess one could say that sweatshirt or bridges don't add percentage, but it's kinda arbitrary criteria.

goodron2 years ago

Additions for No.3 and Going Deep: For Going Deep warp, you can call Armando during Not So Fast while in the light blue zone (doable while you take off in a heli). Also, you can hold W+A+Shift while in menu to move closer to Landstalker. If you're fast enough during Going Deep, Bulgarin doesn't give you Advanced MG. You can either buy it there or during No.3 warp and use Explosive Shotgun for In the Crosshairs, or pick up M4 from the last NOOSE guy (has enough range for ItH compared to AK)

For No. 3 warp, you can call Armando after last Yusuf mission (after vidwarp, before entering taxi).

goodron2 years ago

Blog This... (like 10s worth loadless and a lot of cancer involved)

call Armando during This Aint Checkers while in orange zone (the alternative zone is slower because of extra taxi fare) zones are approximate but more or less accurate

pause/unpause to force fail call, then push it away or hang up after restarting mission, lock fps and hold movement keys without sprint to walk away and avoid getting crushed keep fps locked in case car will remain on the side, in this case you can push it with punches

goodron2 years ago

Going Deep (15s faster with a decent cab compared to slow toll booth?) Gameplay in top left corner is as fast as IL WR from 1 year ago. WR also slows down on toll booth and hits 1 car on last turn. Gun van still looks solid considering all of that. Tricky part is to enter cab back without hailing it, make sure Luis is facing the cab. Pausing/unpausing makes Ray call to come immediately, then you can cancel it. Either buy something while car is out of bounds or get closer to the Landstalker while it's landing instead. VD was set to 100 after Boulevard Baby. View Distance is set to 100 as a placebo to avoid wanted level after blowout.

About goodron
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Grand Theft Auto IV
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Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned
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Grand Theft Auto III
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Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
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Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned