I wanted to showcase a recent finding I came across while doing a run. Somehow I was able to achieve a much higher flying height than normal. Ive had this occur a couple of times before, but never on video. I want to note that I only stopped gaining height from me releasing the jump button, had I not done that, I would most likely have gotten much more height
I suspect this has this has to do something with how the game handles keyboard inputs. My guess is that, on certain frames, it will bypass both the check to see if the jump button has been released AND to check wall collision before running the code to add maximum height to Bubsy. Which would mean that the game is adding to Bubsy's maximum height every frame.
This is of course pure speculation on my part. To truly know, someone would have to recompile the game or search through memory addresses.
Anyone else come across this?
This actually happened to me in Furwakening
The interesting part is that when I passed through the platform, I was able to clip into the building without any trouble. I attempted to replicate it but I just wasn't able to.
When I put in my run it was the first run in years, so I guess that sparked it.