GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Yep, void floor that extends all over the map until you get the glider. Impossible to skip sadly.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Since Amiibos are copyright material we can't really officially post stuff for that over to the left. The tags you need are NTAG215 540 bytes, guides are all over the internet. The app to write the data is called TagMo.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Current state of the leaderboard shows it works perfectly well. 4 runs, partly with amiibo, partly without. WR actually without right now, but this could change. If people just want to compare to no amiibo times / amiibo times, they can filter out the others.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Filter literally does the same thing except for splitting the leaderboards into two categories which we don't think is a good idea. If you wanna compete for WR, get fastest version and what's needed. Else take the timeloss, nobody is stopping you from neither running nor submitting to the LBs. That's how Zelda speedrunning handled it before and we don't see a reason why this should change.

DaveCozy, lozplyr89, and Tigame like this
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

All shrines has its own reward that you grab after finishing the final shrine which is a perfect closer. So why should we do ganon afterwards? Feels arbitrary.

For the French guy:

The counter only covers certain aspects that are shown on the map, but not quests etc. So the counter is not enough for 100%

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Weird wording here.

For now those categories are fix

Any% All dungeons All Main Quests (includes all dungeons, Master Sword, memories, etc) 100% (definition is still in the works, probably 100% on map + X)

and several misc categories: All Shrines (doesn't finish ganon, just gets the reward for all 120 shrines beaten) Master Sword RTA (doesn't finish ganon, just gets the MS) Dungeon RTA (from start to 1 specific dungeon finished) etc.

Tigame likes this
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

It's also slower than whistle sprinting sadly and stamina recovers slower during it.

Andrick11 and Tigame like this
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

It has nothing to do with the weapon. Narcissa pulled out the paraglider for a few frames in the air which is why she didn't take damage.

So far we didn't find a reliable way to skip fall damage.

Also Plateau works different. Its not the fall damage that kills you. There is a void floor around the plateau that automatically kills Link as soon as he touches it and we didn't find a way around it (even tried riding a big rock off the plateau with stasis)

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Since the community basically was 50:50 on this,

the Staff decided that Amiibos are allowed for Any% and also for now for the other categories that are about to come up (AD, All Main Quests, 100%, etc.)

The only restriction here is that you only use each amiibo once per run (as intended by the developers, so cheating with System time changes is not allowed).

Reasons: Zelda speedruns have a history of huge language/version discrepancies/additional tools that make the runs faster (Tingle Tuner as the prime example here). We don't see any reasons to change that for BotW. The time difference for Any% is actually not that big as there are wild horses you can tame right when you leave the plateau. You are free to just skip using Amiibos and take the time loss. If you want to compete at WR level, get amiibos (or just get NFC tags for 1 buck each and spoof amiibos, we don't care). The same tradeoff is made for TWW, TPHD, SS (JP version or not competitive), etc. Another reason we see for amiibos for Any% is the actual standard idea behind Any%, which is "Finish the game as fast as possible, no restrictions". This never included hardware manipulation (CD-Streaming, turbo controllers etc.), which is why we decided that clock manipulation shouldn't be allowed.

We don't see a reason to make different categories and with that to create way more categories than possible. This was tested with TPHD and turned out to be not useful at all.

DaveCozy, DigiD and 4 others like this
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

So yeah I came up with the following in the discord yesterday: Any% - obvious, we'll see if its actually sub 2 hours. For now its 3h+

Low% - cause there are ways to beat Ganon super slowly but without any of the dungeon items apparently.

100% - this is a tough one. I vote for -all dungeons -all shrines -master sword -all warps -all upgrades (hearts, stamina, pockets) (which means all the seeds) -all quests -whole map revealed -maybe all memories? -ganon

All Shrines% - super fun category. Do all 120 (?) shrines and then finish Ganon. Will probably need Master Sword and at least 1 dungeon tho.

All Dungeons% - obvious choice. All 4 dungeons, Master Sword, Ganon.

I guess this would be great for now.

UprightThumbs, AidanMse and 10 others like this
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Probably best to ask in the discord. We messed with the "Fake World" glitch as we called it, but not with much success yet. We basically need to find a way to get there without entering a human loading zone as wolf....and have no clue how yet.

Epona in North Faron would only be possible by getting the Epona Ledge Clip we do in Hyrule in South Faron. Since Faron is loaded all at once in TPHD, we could ride oob all the way to N.Faron. But sadly the ledge in S. Faron is super small, so we couldn't manage to clip there yet.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Sadly you can only enter IL categories for all ILs together :/

GermanyTreZc0_8 years ago

To be honest....TPHD Any% is pretty much dead at this point. There was some hype in the beginning, but now none of the really old runners from TP is playing it anymore. For practice there are not a lot of efficient ways yet. You can actually export and import savefiles with Wii U Homebrew already, but sadly the game runs super slow if you use an SD card to boot it, so playing it is not any fun at all. I fear until we get proper ways of savefiles manipulation like we have for TPSD speedrunning for this game will be on hold :/

GermanyTreZc0_8 years ago

Hmm...we could think about that. Some of the categories don't really make a lot of sense in HD though. Master Sword RTA for example is literally the same as Any% up to this point and there is not much afterwards to finish the whole game.

I will take this back to our discord tho and discuss with the other runners.

GermanyTreZc0_8 years ago

Exactly. For 100% the difference is so big that we actually split it up in 2 categories cause it adds in like 20 minutes of extra gameplay and an additional item.

thread: The Site
GermanyTreZc0_8 years ago

Thanks so much for your quick help:-)

CyanWes likes this
thread: The Site
GermanyTreZc0_8 years ago


I came across a kinda disturbing problem in the guides section.... Emotes are shown by default and apparently there's no way around it. There are several points in our guides (which get autoconverted to BBCode) where this leads to trouble, would it be a big thing to give us the chance of disabling them? Maybe we could at least have a Prefix for Twitch Emotes, cause for example the word "Cannon" prints out an Emote for now.

I just think there's no need at all for Emotes in Guides, right? Thanks in advance!


Edit: On a sidenote....the embed limit got increased to 20 videos for us. Could we try 30 now? Seems to be super stable.

Edit 2: Sorry...don't want to do 3 threads in a row. Guides are sorted by last update date. Is there a chance we can change this to alphabetic order? Else we can't really sort our guides at all.

CyanWes and ROMaster2 like this
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