Hello! After going through a majority of this game, I decided that once I finish the game, I would like to try and speedrun it. The problem is that I do not own the PC version. I only have the Nintendo Switch version, which does not seem to be allowed. Would it be possible for you guys to add “Story% (Console)” and “Any% (Console)” categories? I understand that the versions may have a disconnect in updates and such, so putting both versions in the same category might not be fair, so I think a separate category for console runs would be a decent idea.
I want to run 500 Unique Coins (no main stages), but 1) I don't have a 120 Star file, 2) the only leaderboard-allowed Linux compatible N64 emulator (Mupen64Plus) doesn't allow Gameshark codes and I have NO idea how to actually complete 120 star, I've only beaten the game using BLJs, and 3) OBS lags my laptop, so the audio from the game is super slow/laggy/chopped up, and listening to the music like that is a nightmare, so I turn off the in-game music with Usamune when I livestream, and play copyright-free music in the background while I practice. Can I use the Usamune ROM to run this category? I will not use any of the special options that would not be there in the original game (aside from disabling the music), and will livestream the attempts.
Hello. I am The Speediest Gonzales (but my username is not very correct, I already changed it recently) I will speedrun a lot of Nintendo games, and never get 1st place. If anyone knows of any easy games to speedrun, please let me know!!