New York, USAPr0br0ski7 years ago

Will/should the rules for All Dungeons be changed to reflect the similar rule change for the original game no longer requiring defeating Ganon?

New York, USAPr0br0ski7 years ago

I do like the idea, but hopefully there would be a way to use it retroactively to retime previous runs.

New York, USAPr0br0ski7 years ago

This would definitely be the most fair thing to do it, especially considering all platforms are together for times, but I don't know how you would go about it except for PC. Also, more consistent timing might be necessary as only going by seconds could cause cascading errors when removing loads.

New York, USAPr0br0ski8 years ago

Other games with glitchless categories have the same people running both extremely often, it has nothing to do with people's ability or desire to do them. The reason for gltichless categories is in games with a large number of glitches (not 2) to allow force more of the game to actually be completed. You can skip maybe 2% of this game, and the route leading up to and after the skips are identical. One deciding they don't want to use glitches is their own decision. It's equally unfair that all consoles are on the same boards because of load times, but there are so few times already that splitting up the categories would not make since without the game becoming far more popular. However since console is already listed as a variable, representing inherent disadvantages, I would not be opposed to OOB being tracked as a variable, and this may be a good compromise.

New York, USAPr0br0ski8 years ago

This exact same topic was already discussed. I feel that since there's only two instances of oob that are useful right now, even if they do subtract a couple of minutes, the lack of popularity of the game in general further means that subdividing the game further may be detrimental. Also the length of the run should not have a factor on whether or not to create different categories. You have the chance to skip around 4 minutes, with the chance of clipping in wrong and getting stuck losing around ~2, so you have to weigh that risk/reward.

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About Pr0br0ski
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Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange
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Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange
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