I realized what was wrong: I had seemed to have changed the layout settings for my splits, and the categories were wrong
How I fixed it (in case anyone else ever has the same issue):
-Right click livesplit
-Edit Layout
-Layout Settings
-Go to the "Splits" tab
-Scroll down to the "Columns" section
My recording software and my windows audio were not synced so the audio was ruined, sorry T-T I fixed it though, and my future runs should be all okay now
I havent changed any of my livesplit files before, I just create the new splits inside of livesplit and don't download them from anywhere else. Do you think reinstallin livesplit entirely would fix it?
It started occurring for all of my layouts on all of my games at the same time. I use real time, but it doesn't work when I compare against game time either. When I close my splits and create new splits without loading a previous layout, it doesn't work for that either
Last night, livesplit stopped showing my comparison times. Now, it only shows the split times, but it doesn't say how much faster or slower I am compared to my personal best (Yes, I enabled the setting to compare against personal best)
Runs are always timed in 60 fps, its just that Twitch runs are very laggy for our timer. But yeah, as long as you the video is uploaded, it can be on any website (This excludes file sharing websites, such as dropbox, mega, etc.)
I could also help if you ever need it. I'm a moderator for the game MiSide as well and have a decent amount of free time
Right now the times are tracked using Real Time, which includes load time. I could start tracking times in-game time and just remove the loading time from the times if you'd want
It stands for "Mita Rich Presence" and it updates your Discord activity more accurately. Depending on what chapter you're in, your Discord status will change in relation to that chapter
Sorry about the late response, but I'll try to get someone to figure this out
I just fixed it. Thanks for the post, and sorry that we didn't catch that earlier
NOTE: This server is combined with my YouTube stream server into one
I’ll have to try it out to see if I can find a workaround