thread: The Site
There are no more moderators on this game, so I would like to become the manager of the game. Thank you for your understanding.
Hello, I wanted to ask you if we can add a new category for speedrun on the game ? Its would be the "crazy games" mode, or we could finish it as quickly as possible, Any% or Max%. Both categories, standard and fast. And each by number, 10 events, 15 events and 20 events. I think this is a good idea, and its can expand the possibilities.
Thank you and have a good day !
Pikachu_X_Ruby likes this
Hello, in the categories it lacks the speed skating 500m, and as I wanted to post my score, my this sport was not added to the event selection.
All right, and I wish you luck to achieve your goal.
Pikachu_X_Ruby and SchwarzSSB like this
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About Overdrıve300
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