GermanyM3TOXI30 days ago

It's in the Discord but I'll leave it here as well.

Chottue likes this
GermanyM3TOXI1 month ago

how is this faster than what happens in WR?

GermanyM3TOXI3 years ago

No Idea how I did this, but I suspect this had something to do with me landing weirdly

Also not sure if this is the same sort of clip mentioned in a different thread. I wasn't able to recreate this but I think that it would have some use if the floor is not affected by it

GermanyM3TOXI4 years ago

Step1: Start a new game and watch the cutscene.

Step 2: Go to the menue and change the game language to Japanese.

Step3: Quit the game.

Step 4: Navigate to the Savegame location folder. For XBOX GamePass for PC it is here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\PlayfulCorp.49013BFBD8849_7n7np5b8s1z70\SystemAppData\wgs

For Epic users the file is here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Playful Studios\New Super Lucky's Tale\Save

For Steam users the files can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\New Super Luckys Tale\nslt_Data\SavesDir\76561198125240469

Epic and Steam users will only have to handle 1 file and not a folder and a file like Gamepass users.

Step 5 (for Gamepass): Enter the numbered folder and copy both the folder and the container index to a safe location.

Step 5 (for Epic and Steam): Enter the SaveDir or Save folder and copy your file to a safe location.

Now everytime you want to restart your run, all you have to do is delete the files inside the numbered folder and replace them with your saved ones

thread: Arma 3
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

I did not find any of those recordings anymore as they are very old.

Alright I will try to explain.

At the beginning cutscene you walk towards the chopper. And once you get on the chopper normally the game will slow down (if you accelerated). Anyhow, if you press the speed-up button in a specific window when entering the chopper, the flight will speed-up while the text will scroll normally.

What I also know about LVL 1 is that once you find the fucked up truck in the middle of the road after radio communication is finished you can walk towards the enemy spawn. They will be loaded in, but immobile. I recommend a safety save here as fighting those is pretty crazy @4 times speed.

I never really finished any level tbf this game has way too much rng. If you ever wanna chat about this you can normally find me daily in our Arma3 unit Teamspeak (

23Banzaj likes this
thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago


Took a look at it, only day 1 with ludo tho, seems like LHH storage is still off and triple jump as well, you could probably glitch through the pygseal door but then probably couldn't get up the thingy.

Anyhow if you want to resurrect any% why don't you just downpatch? very easy to do to and once you patched it, you can always switch between versions easily

thread: Arma 3
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Hey, Arma 3 Player and Speedrun afficionado here, How is the routing going for this? We played around in our community 3 yrs ago and we found out that if you hit the speed button in a specific window before entering the chopper right at the start, it will fasten up even through the scripted "cutscene" flight.

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

New Route tricks explained:

Ludomir Skip:

Flippy Skippy:

Monkey Statue Skip:

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Methods to skip the pygarian seal in prison:

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

I found out, that it is possible to skip the Pygarian Seal and skip the first day with Draga for that matter. I also prepared the save files for that route. Join discord for more information!

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

3 fights skip? no problem:

better speed comparison:

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Ok found a shit ton of things in Yarbos's Temple, also the first fight is skippable:

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

another little oob if you find some oobs as well let me know I like to explore those things :)

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

no spawning, game just didnt load and I had to alt+f4

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Yarbog's Temple despawning on me:

Softlock, completely random, draga fucks runs

This game is to unsafe be run... so many things out of your control

thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Cutscene skip:

and probably there is more that work like that, haven't tested it yet but in ludomir 2 when you go towards ratika you pass one of the rat mages and there is a cutscene there that teleports you back, but maybe if you call ludo past that thing, he actually skips that cutscene

Tricrow likes this
thread: Omensight
GermanyM3TOXI6 years ago

Hey so, not planning on running this but trying to break it a bit for you guys. leaving you 3 videos here.

  1. very bad executed movement comparison:

  2. explorable OOB (potential Day skip):

  3. getting into a sealed room oob:

Last one might be interesting for "All memories" but probably not, as you pass this room a couple of times

GermanyM3TOXI7 years ago

I am stuck completely at that part, I manage to get past the invisible kill walls and to the part where he gains height, but everytime I seem to loose grip just before the finish any hints?

GermanyM3TOXI7 years ago

@Gqro The world record run says something different tho...

GermanyM3TOXI7 years ago

Well, this happened the other day and I am wondering if winning the race is possible or if it would softlock the game.

Does anyone know how I made this and if there is a consistent way?

About M3TOXI
I break things
9 years ago
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
New Super Lucky's Tale
New Super Lucky's Tale
Last run 4 years ago
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
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Ori and the Blind Forest
Ori and the Blind Forest
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Oozi: Earth Adventure
Oozi: Earth Adventure
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Last action 7 years ago