You were penalized because you started the timer a little late, less than 1 second. Penalty: 1 second.
But don't worry, this doesn't change your final placement.
The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 12m 38s 350ms.
COUNT START: 00:00:000
END OF COUNTDOWN: 12:37:350 (+1 second penalty)
You were penalized because you started the timer a little late, less than 1 second. Penalty: 1 second.
But don't worry, this doesn't change your final placement.
The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 08m 02s 890ms.
COUNT START: 00:00:000
END OF COUNTDOWN: 08:01:890 (+1 second penalty)
The “speedruns” that surpass the top 3 best must be analyzed in detail to avoid errors. And they should be turned away if they don't follow the rules
Players new to
New records that surpass the top 3 best, by players new to or who do not have a history of being a skilled player (Videos of speedruns that demonstrate skills, in arcade mode, or freeride or mountain cross)
Guidance for moderators, standard response:
1) Slow Motion Game:
You're playing in slow motion for most of the race. This is not allowed. Your time cannot be accepted. Read the category rules.
2) SUSPECTED speedrun using [TAS]. (Warning signs):
You had an incredibly fast time with no crashes. It has no speedrun history and is playing a replay saved on the PC emulator. Your speedrun raises many suspicions of [TAS] use.
3) Proof of legitimate speedrun, player skill. (Guidance for suspected players):
Next time record a video playing the ARCADE, or MOUNTAIN CROSS or FREERIDE mode in full and send the video link in the description of your Record (speedrun).
Suspected players who have their speedrun refused by guidance 1 or 2 should receive guidance 3 and an explanation for their speedrun refusal.
Update: I changed the name of the new “Eric Carter & Prototype” category to “Pro Rider & Prototype”. Some moderators have not yet commented on this new way of playing.
And I still haven't found a solution to include new registrations made with the “Pro Rider & Prototype” combination. The simplest and most logical thing is that these new times are registered in the NG+ game modes.
That's something, I think it would be interesting to point out that the time recorded was done with the “Pro Rider & Prototype” combination. To facilitate the identification of these records. Later, if a separate category is created, make it easier to identify this way of playing (Pro Rider & Prototype).
You were penalized because you started the timer a little late, less than 1 second. Penalty: 1 second. But don't worry, this doesn't change your final placement. The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 52m 54s 520ms.
- COUNT START: 00:00:000
- END OF COUNTDOWN: 52:53:520 (+1 second penalty)
- CORRECTED TIME: 52:54:520
Você pode repetir os personagens quantas veses quiser nessa categoria. Recomendo que você comece com o modo "moto cross" no hard, depois pegue o "erick carter" e jogue o modo "arcade", depois consiga 60k para comprar a "prototype"& "camelbak" e termine os outros modos pra liberar os personagens com a "protobike" e o "Cosmo" (ele é mais duro nas quedas). E por último compre o "personagem bônus" pra conseguir o dinheiro para os itens restantes. Seguindo isso você ganhara muito tempo.
Começa em 0h:4m:50s
Termina em: 5h:16m:07s
Seu tempo corrigido: 5h:11m:17s
The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 33m 03s 000ms.
I got a temporary solution, I created a new category in the "Levels" tab with the new "Eric Carter & Prototype", I didn't have a better name.
I was unable to create a subcategory, when I created a subcategory the records disappeared. That was the best I could do.
As for the NG+ categories in the “Leaderboards” tab, I still don’t know what to do. I still have to wait for the other moderators to respond.
You were penalized and your time doesn't allow you to add milliseconds, because you didn't use a stopwatch. But don't worry, this doesn't change your final placement. The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 56m 30s.
This speedrun also fits into the "Arcade Mode NG" category, playing on HARDCORE and with CAMELBAK BONUS (Backpack) disabled. If you want, you can put your time in both categories (NG+ and NG).
The Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 33m 03s 000ms.
I rounded your final time, and you were penalized by about 5 seconds. Because he didn't use any way to time his time. But don't worry, this doesn't change your final result. The rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 57m 50s.
- Goodnight. I would like all moderates, if possible, to give their opinion on using "Eric Carter with Prototype" to make records.
- Because I've already done some tests on other characters using Eric Carter's bike, and in those tests it was the best, that is, the combination of "Eric Carter with Prototype" has the potential to easily surpass records and create new records that other characters don't. managed to do.
- In my opinion the combination "Eric Carter with Prototype" should not be valid or at most a category would be created just for "Eric Carter with Prototype", But logically this could make things more confusing and I don't even know how we would do these new ones categories.
- For now, I think it's best not to validate records with the combination "Eric Carter with Prototype"
- Eric Carter with Prototype:
You were penalized 6 seconds because you stopped the timer earlier than allowed. But don't worry, this doesn't change your final result, the Rules have been updated, remember to check the rules for your next session.
Your corrected time is 33m 38s 600ms.
Entendi. Por exemplo, uma Arcade Any% NG. Só poderia usar os personagens padrão e as bikes padrão do Very hard (as bikes são melhores). Esta correto?
Já para a supercorrer NG. Temos problemas:
1 - O erick seria a melhor escolha de personagem, padronizaria a categoria. (Gosto mais dessa, afinal tera os tempos mais rapidos)
2 - Se não puder usar pro rider, são praticamente 40 escolhas de bike, isso se não forem montadas novas bikes que podem suber pra 60+. Talvez a melhor "bike" seria um dos 3 animais. (Essa opção me pareci a pior)
3 - Se não puder usar pro rider, e permitir usar apenas as bikes que aparecem no modo Arcade Any% NG no very hard. (Me parece uma boa opção)
Se você tem outra coisa em mente para a categoria Supercorrer NG, comenta ai!
P.S. Tinha esquecido que pode jogar supercorrer sem ter progresso.
Seria interessante, criar novas categorias/subcategorias. Não sei como é o ANY% NG.
a NG+ é permitido qualquer coisa que ganha depois que zera o jogo? você sabi me explicar essas siglas que são mais usadas...
você pode falar sua ideia e explicar melhor o que pode e o que não pode na categoria.
Tipo não tem uma categoria pra quem faz mais pontos em uma corrida, nem sei se existe categoria desse tipo para o site speedrun.
Mas vou esperar o maggdog lançar o vídeo dele sobré as RUNS e depois vou lançar as novas categorias.