If you know about the game, you can't piggyback in this map. The category is 100% Imposibble fr
Muchas gracias amigo! :D
Espero cuando haga la run la puedas verificar tu ya que eres mod por lo que veo jaja Pero de nuevo, gracias por la strat! :D
Hey, can anyone explain to me WHAT I'M DOING WRONG WITH BOWSER? I always get the 6 hit but I don't know how I lose 20 seconds on Bowser, I can't get a sub 11 in glitchless. Someone can help me?
I wanna know how the speedruners get 1:50 in Bowser, I play on USA version by the way... Ty for anyone
¡Hello! I'm a pro player of this game, Fall Guys. I really want to be moderator here. I can be so active and verify runs :)
Then, how can I get moderator
¡Hey! Anyone can tell me ¿How can I install a Emulator of Super Mario Bros to try speedruning legit. I tried like 400 attempts on NSO but is so hard with Joy-Cons fr.