NetherlandsHaracookie1 year ago

I just finished THIS RUN which is about 4 seconds faster than the second fastest time. The reason this time is about 4 seconds faster than the second fastest time is that, for some reason, Shade skipped the line of dialogue where she tells you to hide the guard’s body, which makes the keypad instantly accessible instead of having to wait. This is also why the end was a bit sloppy: I panicked because I realized I had to take advantage of this skip. Since then I’ve not been able to replicate it. So far I’ve tried: Using the phone at a specific moment to skip the dialogue, shooting the guard while he’s unalerted, standing in specific spots while the dialogue plays, and waiting a little bit before shooting the guard. If you have any other suggestions let me know!

NetherlandsHaracookie1 year ago

Hey y'all, in this video I found a skip that skips the animation of putting on the mask. This allows you to do things like vaulting, jumping, and running faster earlier than you should be able to. The guide is in the description but I'll put it here again:

Hold G to start putting on your mask, and before the prompt is finished press E once to bring up the phone. Remember, you can't use the phone while sprinting, so if you wanna do this skip you have to be walking or standing still.

Small edit

If you have motion sensors equipped this doesn't work, since motion sensors don't require a phone to activate, thus pressing E does not pull up the phone.

IsakD2 likes this
NetherlandsHaracookie1 year ago

Has anyone figured out how to get heist specific preplanning favors? They seem to randomly appear and disappear in the menu and they're very useful for getting faster times, so finding a consistent way to get them seems like a must.

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