United KingdomFlynn_Lives7 months ago

Hi, I was thinking about this a while back as the other games have individual leaderboards. Leave it with me and I'll get this sorted. Thanks

Update - Now live

United KingdomFlynn_Lives9 months ago

Apologies I've only just seen this. I can't see the necessity of a challenge board for this game. The main focus is on speed to complete the game/levels on SRC not challenges. Thanks

United KingdomFlynn_Lives11 months ago

We have created a no intro category. This will skip the drive and tram ride up to Castle Wolfenstein. In the resources section I have placed a file with 3 tram saves and a YouTube link on how to paste them in and what to do with your existing saves. Any questions just give me a ping.

Thanks all

United KingdomFlynn_Lives1 year ago

Hola, para futuros envíos ¿podríais eliminar la superposición del chat de la pantalla principal del juego? Lo he comprobado, pero si el chat llenara más la pantalla tendría que haberlo rechazado. Gracias y GG en el PB

RizeKurusu likes this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives2 years ago

What are you running the game on? PC, emulator etc? The pc speedrun version lets you remove the movie cut scenes from your game and has a working auto splitter

United KingdomFlynn_Lives2 years ago

I don't really know anyway to explain it more than I already have sorry Dave. We have always had sfx submissions but it's been a handful, like I have stated there seems to be a trend at the moment where it's 30 mins of chat sfx and meme videos popping up all the time throughout the run which is louder than the game or is covering gameplay etc. The rules have always said to not have anything displayed on your game or music that over shadows the audio. The odd handful is fine but what is going on at the moment is ridiculous. This is just a gentle reminder regarding the rules before we have to reject runs. Hope this has cleared it up for you

nabson and GunHeadLes like this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives2 years ago

Hi All, lately there has been a trend of submissions with sfx and video files being played over the game screen and game audio. This is a fair warning that any future submissions with sfx and video files covering the game play will be rejected. My advise, if you want to keep these for your stream then start local recording and submit via that way. The odd handful of sfx is fine but some of them are just absurd at present and it needs to calm down. I would hate to reject runs over this so please do what you need to do to remedy this.


tajweed29, GunHeadLes and 10 others like this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives2 years ago

@MrLoverLover - Do us a favour and delete the account! All you're doing now is giving people the excuse to come in here and say Noxx and Subsonix are being picked on. They stated their case it got denied instantly and one of the named individuals made false accusations against a mod. You're now making it childish where this is giving an excuse of "the community is toxic". A word of advise, if you're going to pipe up, use your real account. If you believe that strongly about your opinion then stand by it with your name. This OG hardware crap has to stop, I can't believe that this is still going on and all this hate towards a runner/mod who helped ALL of us get better at running this game. News flash guys - You are not running an original game on original hardware. It's been over a year, drop it and grow up!

Sawnek, Maliken and 6 others like this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives2 years ago

Hi everyone, I hope you're all well and enjoying running Dread. It has been flat out with submissions and it's been great seeing everyone's progression in the categories.

This is just a reminder to please make sure you read the rules before submitting. We are having to reject a lot of runs because end screen IGT images are not being submitted and/or the new rule of version number image or showing it at the end of the run are not being submitted.

We really don't want to be rejecting your runs. Especially after all your hard work in running the game and getting that PB.

Thanks everyone and keep grinding!

Flynn - obo The verifying team.

geraldb, smegmancer and 6 others like this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives3 years ago

Isn’t that the whole point of speedrunning, to compete with other people on equal playing fields. The logic that is being said here makes no sense. It’s like a mini competing in formula one “don’t worry about where you finished, you didn’t stand a chance. At least you took part and here’s your participation badge” All the OG’s have separate categories for emulation, console etc

MaleficMedic, Suika_1 and 5 others like this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives3 years ago

100% agree to the above and Mogul would make a great moderator for this board if he would want to take it if offered. A lot of great games are not being run and that’s down to the lack of categories on the board. To bring more runners to this game it has to be expanded

Sjotyme likes this
United KingdomFlynn_Lives4 years ago


Fair point. Makes the rules a lot cleaner

United KingdomFlynn_Lives4 years ago

I think the categories should be this:

Assisted - Starting pistol, upgrades allowed (sight, clip and mod), no shop items and no NG+ items

Standard - (DA Manip) - Starting pistol, upgrades allowed (sight, clip and mod), G18 (Burst model), no shop items and no NG+ items

Hardcore - Starting pistol, upgrades allowed (sight, clip and mod), G18 (Burst model), assault coins and defence coins allowed (Not sure, not attempted this) I don't think we'll need the infinite for this.

Nightmare and Inferno - Inifinite Pistol and All coins

Let me know what you think guys. I think we all know this isn't going to be a 50 minute speedrun but the challenge is great. We're all going to find quicker ways over the next month or two and it's going to be a competitive category

United KingdomFlynn_Lives4 years ago

Sorry, I don’t think the knife should be allowed to open crates. Fucking auto correct

United KingdomFlynn_Lives4 years ago

Personally I think Assisted - should be no shop, no ng+, no magnum and no G18

Standard - if the DA manip isn’t allowed should be infinite samurai edge for CT nemmy only and G18 allowed

Hardcore and Inferno - Infinite samurai edge and use of some coins only

I don’t think knife should not be used for crates myself. It doesn’t effect assisted bullet count at all and on standard you have infinite samurai edge for CT nemmy so more than enough bullets for the rest of the game

WhamBam_TV likes this
About Flynn_Lives
5 years ago
3 days ago
Games run
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last run 2 years ago
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Last run 11 months ago
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Last run 2 years ago
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Last run 3 years ago
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2
Last run 3 years ago
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Last run 3 years ago
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Games followed
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Last visit 3 months ago
Games moderated
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last action 15 days ago
Resident Evil 2 Category Extensions
Resident Evil 2 Category Extensions
Last action 9 months ago
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Last action 9 months ago