Timing/videos/framecounter wrong on top 2 times perhaps?
3 years ago
Västra Götaland, Sweden

So I checked with somewes tool ( https://somewes.com/frame-count/ ) the top 2 times when the new top 3 time came in, just because I hadn't done it with the runs before and only gone by frame count.

The issue is that even tho the top time has a few frames faster frame count wise, the slower time with more frames according to the frame counter is faster according to it. and even when I cut the videos in a program the slower one frame-wise is faster.

Just putting this out and will investigate closer :)


Hey @JkLoser! So i'm curious why Somewes calculated your time as 29.2? that's quite a lot of frame difference compared to the "manual" count :D Have you discovered something?

Västra Götaland, Sweden

I never did, one reason could be that this was done on my old computer, meaning the recording itself/stream could have been wierd. I was put in charge of this leaderboard after the old mod just disappear, so I'm happy with any kind of help I could get with retiming, cause I've never been good with framecounting... which is kinda bad for a game like this D: . As I was running with a frame counter, I just used the frames the emulator was saying.

But this is also on my to do list. Kinda wanna improve/tie with a console run in the very near future.

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As mod, if you want i can start by retiming the top 10 runs? I wont edit anything, I'll just give you the results of my findings @JkLoser?

Västra Götaland, Sweden

If you feel confident doing it, feel free to edit the times correcly as well :)

Västra Götaland, Sweden

With all the crazy activity lately, retiming will be interesting :D

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