GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Didn't see the new log boost in Hyrule until today, this changes quite a lot. Still timing, but i tend to agree now - it can actually compete with Amiibo-Route timewise, which is insane.

Tigame bunu beğeniyor
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

What speaks against using tree launch in old route?

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Since TP and TPHD both belong to Nintendo i doubt it really matters.

Just don't monetize your videos and you're good. You don't own what you show there

Pear ve ZeldaPirate bunu beğendi
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Old route can skip study too though, so that's not valid. Also 5 flat sounds pretty optimistic

I will time it properly and get back to this. Too bad none of you actually shows any timings and just assumes. Banana rng has to be taken in account and the fact that you can randomly get +2.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

So from my timings it cuts like super close. They seem to be within seconds of each other, especially now that we found out that you can skip Zelda's study cause the bow you get there is not needed, just makes the fights faster.

I only have segments from runs to go off though, so I am far from saying this or that route is faster, but from the first few comparisons, it seems old route has a slight advantage (and less rng)

Oxknifer ve alumni bunu beğendi
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

We are not sure to be honest. His route is definitely interesting, but the castle part is obviously slower. The question is if getting the +3 potion saves enough time to be worth it (and if the difference is enough to outweigh the RNG part with the banana).

I am actually trying to compare both routes right now.

OGskystrider bunu beğeniyor
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago


This was posted on Twitter 2 days ago - feel free. We will evaluate the results soon and submissions will be closed in a few hours.

alumni bunu beğeniyor
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

We have two surveys going on right for runners and for the public on Twitter and will evaluate these carefully tomorrow.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Yes you need to let go of the throw button right before unequipping either

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

We have the boulder shot now. Also with the new Fall damage prevention Bomb Trail before Magnesis is faster again.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Thanks for this btw. I deleted it from Guides tho cause it is outdated now. A forum thread for this is good tho.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

None. Wolf Link is not useful and actually won't enter Hyrule Castle with you.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Since the game just skips frames instead of actual lagging you won't lose time in docked mode besides the fact that loading times are potentially longer undocked cause of powersaving CPU mode.

AJFulN46 bunu beğeniyor
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

For practice, yeah go ahead. Route will change quite a bit without BiT tho, so see the No S+Q route for the changes.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Yep you're loading a wrong savefile. Only certain saves work for BiTE, namely those that share the same room and spawn ID with the BiT file.

So you have to make sure to save after Iron Boots or on Ordon Bridge to make it work.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

You can't jump off there the first time. There are invisible walls all around. Can only leave the normal way.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

We did this before already when we went to bombshrine first. Sadly its not faster now that we know that Magnesis Trial first is faster.

Bloopiero bunu beğeniyor
GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

Well, the only stupid thing here is your rant sadly, while I was saying something based on actual data and tests. We went ahead and went through the game code. We used our tools to wrongwarp into Ganon fight. Nintendo was clever this time. You can actually skip the void floor around the Plateau yes. But every useful area is outside of the "allowed" box. The game has the following logic: If you anywhere on the map that is not the within the "Plateau box" (and yes, apparently lake hylia is the only part of the actual map that's part of it) and don't have the glider, void Link and set him back to the plateau. This actually even happens in the Ganon fight. Double Protection: If u could actually reach Ganon without the Glider, the necessary loading zones are not there. I repeat: Nintendo was clever this time. Glider is bound to the King cutscene on top of ToT, void floor and the box are bound to the glider.

So the only way to skip the kill zone is to get the Glider early which would require to somehow cheat the game flags. Game code says: No, screw you, we will have every possible check you can think off to remind you you cannot get the glider yet. (If you wrong warp out of the shrine of resurrection, the loading zone to activate the tower isn't there, just as an example). So no. This is not OoT - don't except breaks like OoT. This is a game that was carefully bugtested with speedrunning in mind. This is not Nintendo first 3D game where ACE was a thing and the console was a shitfest regarding security and buffering.

I will repeat it a third time: Nintendo was clever this time. Yes, there are bugs (like Whistle Sprinting). Yes, it could be possible to trick the game more. But there won't be any huge breaks. Cause Nintendo had plenty of examples for how games get broken. And they worked with it.

GermanyTreZc0_7 years ago

We'd rather have ILs per individual shrine.

Were working on this now, probably will have them on ZSR

TreZc0_ Hakkında
9 years ago
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