Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Well... it would've been nice if you would've told us the day you deleted them so we could've known when you did delete them in the first place. I use Razer Game Booster for FNaF World and it has a free screen recording software built into it that I can use to record for any time I need while also boosting the FPS in my game which is perfect because My Screen Recorder 4, my old recording program I used for my old Condition Zero speedruns and my most recent FNAFB speedrun which works pretty well for those programs, it doesn't like being ran with FNaF World on the same screen even after I restarted my PC to clear the CPU Usage from my Vista. Since my stream from yesterday on me playing FNAFB 2, I noticed that I could possibly stream FNAFB and speedrun it at the same time due to me never experiencing a single bit of lag since the stream started which I didn't notice until now that I played lag free on a stream for once based off of my settings.

Again, thanks for explaining what was going on because after some of the stuff that I noticed before and after the deletions got on to me a bit and considering it was late at night when I made the post, you know I will check around before I sleep if I've missed anything and all of this was what I noticed. Sorry if I acted like a bit of a douche in my posts to upset you or anything.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Right after I made this post last night I made sure to do something before I slept and that was keeping a screenshot of her post: http://imgur.com/dWzPXYp

This morning I just woke up to this: http://imgur.com/ZROg0Tx

The shady person is at it again with their antics, you didn't think the Wolf was prepared didn't you Alice?

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Ok for what ever reason this post decided to bug the fuck out and extend past the borders like the 4th wall has just been broken, what the fuck is this?

NOTE: I recommend zooming the page out to read this if you haven't already.

Tylerland264 bunu beğeniyor
Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

So just recently after having a new competitor going up against the top dogs of this leaderboard getting either close or breaking the WR's for some of the FNaF World categories which we all know them by their alias: Alice Soaker

Alice Soaker, the one who came by and earned themselves some pretty nice records after only joining speedrun.com and YouTube, "VERY" recently, has deleted their videos of their speedruns and are now unavailable for viewing as of now.

The only videos left of Alice Soaker on YouTube is the 3 videos they shared on Reddit about them beating the major bosses without any additional assistance from most of the games mechanics that we're used to which I will link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/6vjerr/i_beat_the_three_endgame_bosses_in_fnaf_world_on/

It's unknown as to why Alice Soaker would delete their videos in the first place as they seemed to have gotten nice records, that is until what happened during Puppyguy9's stream on Sister Location the other day in the chat. Some of the people who've been with Puppy for a while had suspicions on, "if Alice was cheating" because of the load times they achieved which I think was between ~2-3 seconds on a loading screen, and one person in the stream chat said that on their, "best computer" they stated that they, "could only achieve 6.8 seconds" in load times as opposed to the 2-3 second load times Alice managed in their runs.

Even though I witnessed people starting a bit of drama in the chat about Alice, I will confirm that I've never checked back on those videos and see if there was actually drama in the comments section or what because I thought Alice was pretty good as a runner who could've been sitting in the shadows just watching our runs and analyzing them to see how we got our records and I will admit some of the stuff Alice said like the FredBears in Clock Ending actually had me shocked cause Alice did find a new timesave for any runs that include Clock Ending as part of the category and it really surprised me that Alice wants to delete their speedrun.com account after getting these awesome records: http://www.speedrun.com/AliceSoaker/allposts

Along with having a 15K+ Karma account on Reddit and the fact that their YouTube channel doesn't have the records anymore: http://imgur.com/zDY0pIY

Does this mean that Alice faked the runs after the drama stirred up or did Alice do this as a decoy to throw us off or what? Considering Alice, when I gave them the Discord invite and finally noticed them in the Discord server at 5 AM cause Russia and the US have very different time zones, Alice left the next day in the middle of the afternoon and that's what really confused me in the first place about them, if I just gave you the Discord invite to join our Speedrunner Discord server for FNaF World after me and Gabe were being nice to Alice, why would you leave the very next day without knowing that someone like me will notice it immediately.

If Alice's account does get deleted from speedrun.com, would it be safe to say to delete those records as we can't view them anymore on Alice's YouTube channel to clear space for any runs that are deleted from the public eye?

I wish Alice would've at least made a reason as to why they deleted their videos in the first place so we could understand their situation better instead of just shadily doing all of that stuff and of course when the drama started in Puppy's chat, that's when I started to have a suspicion as well but I just wanted to focus on my own channel and my own speedruns because it's not usually the best to go on a witch hunt and rather just stay out of it and hopefully the story should come through and in this case, it really did come in sooner than expected.

To: EeveeSRL, it's your call to make a decision on this matter since you're the only moderator in control of this page as of now.

To: Anyone else viewing this thread: What're your thoughts on this situation? Personally, I have no clue why Alice did this in the first place and I just wanted to shed light on this issue because I noticed all of this happened just a few hours ago from posting this.

Tylerland264 bunu beğeniyor
Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I'm kinda curious if the game can be beaten that way but I never tried it since I found out about it on accident when I thought I could just hold Q the entire time until I got to the code but I guess I was wrong on that deal XD

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Also Holding down Q apparently gives you BB as the starting character for some reason.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Considering the fact that it's supposed to be very hard for the later categories, I think it does serve as a nice challenge though, it's like Goldeneye 007 where you have everything maxed and you try beating one of the hardest levels in the game, it's a very difficult task but it's very much indeed possible. I wouldn't mind giving it a try when I can.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Well, I submitted a run to FNaF World for the True 100% category and that had specifics but the 100% in this one doesn't plus can I just say that the Night XX to Night XXX 100% doesn't have a sub category for debug and no debug rooms, I noticed that right after I made this post.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I know this may be a stupid question but for 100% it kinda doesn't tell me specifically about Kingly Weapons being required for 100%, for people who are new to this game and want to speedrun it as well should be able to have specifics of somethings for categories like 100% because if it's just shop weapons that count then it would seem pretty easy, but to someone who doesn't know the specifics and Kingly Weapons are required but the player doesn't know, then once they make the video and release it then they might feel stupid that they didn't know about the weapons in the first place and could get heavily criticized for it, a bit confusing for newcomers but for people who knew about the game for a while does know that they don't need to worry about this being an issue.

Just a suggestion for the 100% rules so people new to running this game know what they need to do "Exactly" as they need to be doing so in the end there isn't any confusion with any new run submissions in the future.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I think this was an accidental find for me, I was just testing stuff out and I just happened to find this and when I entered I was like, "Oh shit, I need to record this and not miss the opportunity." I was just so confused after the "Game Over" screen cause I was just blown away at what just happened because that never happened to me before.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I was doing some testing for Ultimate 100% when I got a random enemy encounter as I was on top of the trigger sequence to start the Browboy fight. I ran from the enemy so I could continue along but after I successfully ran from the enemy, I was immediately thrown into the Browboy fight with a lot of crazy stuff happening at once. I explain everything that happened before, during the Browboy fight in the video because that's where everything had happened.


Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I will try that myself when I get the chance tomorrow, well when I wake up but there's a few issues with this like DEP that force closes your game because of improper memory usage which is what I found out that crashed my recording for True 100% in the first place and since grinding for characters might take a long time especially doing Universe End Ending, you won't be able to do the Normal and Hard mode bosses until after getting the ending now. I predict 4 to 6 hours on the first completed run when I do this but I imagine the splits being 70+ maybe??? I have no idea until I start doing routing for this category later tonight to prepare for tomorrow, Endings will definitely be shuffled around to allocate for the limitations until I get specific stuff done first in order to do everything.

Getting all of the Bytes and the Armor just involves either farming in the Geist Lair which gives you about a few under or over 200 Tokens per encounter or just farm security and get 500 Tokens per battle w/ restarts but I think the Geist Lair option might be faster but it depends on how many enemies show up per encounter so it's kinda back and forth but I will have to test that later on when I'm not doing runs.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I think that revamp actually makes things better, a couple categories were impossible to beat on one party setting because of the limitations or the very specifics of one objective requires something more than what the party setting can actually do so thanks!

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Well, I did True 100% on my own route that I made along with help from puppyguy9 who I watched only the first portion of his video to do the DJSterf warp to the update 2 characters easily, without that video I would've been stuck trying to fight security and Animdude the entire time. Everything I did for my splits except for Update 2 characters was what I routed myself so I found a nifty way of cutting the time down for True 100% in the first place but keep in mind that recording + playing on a Vista means that I'm gonna be a while in the Freddy In Space mini game because that one throws my FPS into the low 20's at the bubble section which really fucks me over on time because it's inconsistent, I can save at least 5 to 10 minutes just from Freddy In Space alone not counting my 1 retry at the OOB area and at Chipper plus my Slasher RNG for Security and Anim wasted I'd say a good 5 to 7 minutes so in all honesty, a sub 1:30:00 is definitely possible but I need a better PC to play on to counter the whole lag section in FIS in order to save the time there and have good RNG.

Plus you can't forget that True 100% also means getting all of the chips as well, so if I we're to get to security very early then I might waste time because before I usually go into a warp I have to get: 1. The chips in the surrounding area that I can physically get at that moment, 2. The clocks for the clock ending and 3. this saves me time having to do everything as a back track and risking more random encounters especially the characters because I've noticed there's a certain bug that happens when one of the FNaF characters challenge you where you can't run away because the game doesn't allow you to do that for some bloody reason and because I got 6 to 7 character encounters I wasted probably 1 to 2 minutes from those battles alone simply because of a stupid bug.

One interesting thing I found is that if you get a random encounter at the very beginning of the game when you're trying to bypass the tree for the DJSterf warp and continue on doing the mini games for the Update 2 characters and then restart the game after getting the final character, when you open up your save file the game actually updates your position to your last encounter location before you used the warp which I thought was pretty awesome because you can actually save 5 to 7 seconds just from that alone and while that may be a very insignificance to see, it's still helpful in the end.

The Pearl is something that's a bit difficult to include time for in the run because you have to find the right moment in order to go to DeeDee and do that mini game and since you have to get the pearl 5 times it's very difficult when RNG gives you a fish that's almost or exactly the same speed as the pearl and to make matters worse is if it's one of the fish on the bottom that behave like that because you're essentially screwed out of a minute on an attempt like that alone, I will admit that the True 100% run I submitted though, I managed to get the pearl all 5 times in a row which I think is pretty awesome considering that I lost a bit of time on some splits because I basically tried doing it at the most necessary moment I had and it worked out in favor for me in the end on time considerably.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Well, it's the same for Rainbow, It's extremely hard to even make it to Rainbow at all during the random encounters in the Geist Lair, I actually died to my last encounter in the room with the final boss trying to do early Rainbow for True 100% and that within itself can result in numerous runs ending constantly due to RNG, it's literally nerve racking to say the least when attempting to do it.

Yeah being able to defeat Rainbow earlier in the run would save at least 30 seconds of running not counting encounters and that within itself is still hard to do because you're forced to use neon wall 2 every time Coffee is up which isn't so bad when you think about it because the mini rainbows aren't a problem when it comes to defending but the hardest part is definitely gonna be speed due to having zero chips immediately upon doing everything up to the battle but purple guy does help in that regard.

Another factor is relying on Slasher, literally you can't beat Rainbow unless you get 2-3 Slasher executions on Rainbow successfully and this is dependent on how good RNG is treating you for Slasher, literally you can get 2 Slasher hits within the 1st minute and be fine for the rest of the battle attacking Rainbow with Jack-O-Bombs and 4th Wall and a good indicator to use Bubble Breath is after every 60 seconds has passed, you get enough time to last a full ingame minute before the effect eventually wears off so it's a very good marker to keep track of.

Right now, I don't wanna deal with more rerouting stress inducing fails to make everything work because sometimes it's not worth spending 3 hours trying the same location over and over after doing the mini games and restarting back to the Geist Lair location not making easy progress, I can say that 80% of the time I can get 80% of the way through before dying so it's definitely possible but I wanna leave that alone for now before trying to stress myself out again.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

Well, hello to all the fellow speedrunners in this community, I've been new to the speedrunning scene for the past few months and I've been trying my best to keep my runs as legit as they can possibly be so I'm at least honest to the people when I submit my runs. I hope to do a lot more runs in the future and I'm happy for some of the records that I made on the games I already started running from time to time but I hope that I can keep speedrunning despite being limited to a Windows Vista and a Razer Game Booster Video Capture! Wish me the best of luck on my future runs!

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

That's what I've been doing since I've seen your run. The first completed run I did, the pearl wasn't too much of an issue but there's a few times where the bobber touches the pearl but the game says you didn't touch it, so it gets annoying. :/ I have a strategy to get the pearl included with parts of the run like for the 4th warp, once I get the Run: Luck chip after hitting the button you can actually teleport while it's saying what chip you collected to the 1st warp and get the pearl and go back to 4th again so it's not that hard to implement the pearl, it's just knowing when you have the safe barrier between splits to get a chance at the pearl.

Honestly when I first wanted to run True 100% I actually routed the category myself but after 5 hours of routing and being stuck at security I had to see what you did in your run and to my surprise I didn't expect update 2 characters to be that early and yeah I didn't know about the other warp at the time but once I found out what you did, I implemented 8 splits for all the mini games in the order you did them but not exactly though.

What I did was make any% first and since you have to play Freddy In Space 3 times, I did no upgrades and all upgrades so it's not hard. Chica's Magic Rainbow can be a bitch from time to time but after doing the any% because honestly you're forced to get 3 minutes and 1 second as the best overall time but once I finish the any% it's easier but I also have to worry about the minor lag that might give me a couple issues in a few areas but the one I hate the most is the eyeball section cause you can easily get screwed in your run by those things and ironically the final flower at the section I forgot how I did it before and had to do a quick run back and forth before practicing it again and jumping before the trigger and finally got the true strategy back.

Foxy.exe is one I'm particularly not gonna run through completely, I play the entire second screen safe and constantly move and stop every 1.5 to 2 seconds but when I stop it's very brief like .25 or .3 seconds and for the last screen I basically play it safe until the 3rd cat and just run through it. I had one run where I apparently got jumpscared twice by the same cat even though I was constantly running and it didn't end too well from there.

I am however gonna make a few changes to the route for True 100% like right after getting all 8 Update 2 characters that you don't immediately restart the game but instead immediately go for PurpleGeist and get the Rainbow ending a lot sooner in the run so that Animdude is basically the final boss to kill in the run. My strategy for the bosses with 100K hp or more is basically rely on Slasher, while it's very useful when it does get a hit, I understand how stupid I can look when I fucked everything up along with RNG not working in my favor.

I will admit that getting 20 minutes ahead of WR and being on Rainbow and having both the game and recording crash and having RNG hating me all the way until the final attempt at PurpleGeist before losing WR finally gave me mercy and ended 1 minute ahead your WR. I will honestly admit I started to rage a bit when Rainbow ending was being a complete bitch. Sadly I'm not uploading both parts of the recordings as I don't want a spliced recording and instead want a one and done run so that I don't make myself look bad and make me feel like a doucher.

In that same run the Run away trick actually was really in my favor for the entire run except for a few battles where it took a bit but other than that I got good Run RNG but I just wished everything else kinda worked out as I planned. I have 53 splits for the True 100% run as of now but I never included any of the bosses in the splits except for the Normal Ending boss and basically once the screen for the XP and Tokens finished I usually Split from there because it feels better for me to split once I get off that screen and not right after the boss dies because there's a lot to keep track so once the screen comes up I can think for a second and say that I can now split once the screen ends.

Some advice for Freddy In Space is spam the x button very fast. I know it's hard to constantly fire really quickly in the same game 3 times in one run as your arm can get really tired but I actually have a way of firing faster than the speed you fire. I kid you not, I jitter tap my X key so much that my arm hurts after the first run through of Freddy In Space but after no upgrades and getting all the gun upgrades I can just hold X for the final room as a complete cakewalk and while yeah I can shoot a tad bit faster than the firing speed of the 10th level gun (which is all 9 upgrades collected) I still hold X as it keeps it consistent while I might stop for a brief moment and missing on a couple of extra shots, so it's very complicated wrapping everything around but once you do, it gets easier to understand.

In a few hours I'm gonna be practicing going for Rainbow Ending right after the Update 2 characters are collected so I can implement it in future runs and hopefully have less game crashes because my game crashes 10 to 15 minutes before 2 hours has been reached and ironically you experienced that on last nights stream on FNaF World Hard Mode speedrunning but I got it worse cause I'm doing a run where a crash can happen right at the end but after the rerouting and of course testing a couple other things that I never told you to see if one path is faster than the other then hopefully the run should be a bit more optimized than what it was.

It's amazing how I been trying to get a run for True 100% since being here 2 weeks ago and I'm already trying to reroute the game to be more optimized and have found a better route than you kinda did. Freddy In Space is what wastes a lot of my time for the Update 2 characters because my FPS isn't as high up as your FPS so I lose time because of that. I could save probably more than 5 to 6 minutes on Update 2 characters if I had a better PC than Windows Vista but I'm happy that I'm finding faster routes and potential changes to the routes to make it faster for future runners and maybe some day we might get this game into AGDQ or even SGDQ because it would give the game a bit more hype and it can attract more people to run the game but that's my speculation. Still it would be amazing if a lot more people saw how dedicated some people are to a category that can take about 2 hours or more within the first attempts of running it and make the times a lot shorter than what it used to be.

Maryland, USASheppardKiller6 years ago

I'm new to this speedrunning community for Fnaf World and I'm currently segmenting the True 100% Adventure mode Run for this game. Any tips on helping me would be appreciated and I've probably spent about 5 hours once it hits 10 PM where I live that I would've been working on segmenting the damn splits because I really did scope out the fastest path that I think is shown for me and I also wanna help those with weaker PC's or those who want to record Fnaf World with this program called DXWnd a free tool that can make games that Auto full screen be windowed to your liking and this has helped me a lot with segmenting this game while I'm playing so I don't waste time going back and forth between the two screens. Have a good day and I hope the DXWnd tool helps cause I had to find a tutorial for setting this game to windowed mode to the first place and it can be a good resource too!

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