Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to confirm its spliced Darazan! I will take down the video now.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Oh wow never would've noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out! Might be due to capture issues? And yeah I never intended to go into a debate. I just wanted to know if this was legitimate or not.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Oh okay. I definitely missed Albirex doing that at the start. Sorry! Are you gonna give your final verdict once you're done watching the video?

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Hey I noticed when looking through this old runner's videos that he has a faster IGT than the current record holder Albirex for the category mentioned. He also used 0 saves and there's no significant footage missing between each of the 7 videos from what I could see. Could be wrong though. I downloaded his original videos, put them all onto the same timeline in Premiere, then exported the final product to Youtube. Now the only discrepancy is the fact that a PS Driver isn't shown and we technically don't know if he played on a PS2 or PS1. But I can tell you for certain the runner lucianoRX ran a variety of games for SDA back in the day and always played his PS1 games on the PS2 for obvious reasons. Also, I saw Albirex's run and he didn't show his Driver number at the end. Does the rule not apply then? Anyway I hope the mods can settle this and see if Luciano's run is truly legitimate. Sources for what I mentioned will be down below.

The Complete Run: (NOTE: at the end of this thread the run was confirmed to be spliced, so I took down the video. If anyone needs access to the link for the future I can PM it through Discord, but for now it will be unavailable)

The Original Playlist Which Contains The Source Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FDA0C2BB84855EC

P.S. If this run is deemed not legitimate I will take it down/delete it for obvious reasons. And not to spread misinformation. Also, if I seem ignorant I don't really run RE2. I just have been editing together Luciano's relevant runs so they can be viewed by a modern audience more easily. He really is a talented player. The only other discrepancy I could notice is the absence of door animations. But this was something he did for a couple of his videos due to length restrictions on Youtube for the time period.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

A category extensions page doesn't exist purely to supplement adding 75+ levels. That's just pointless. While it can be a good idea on paper a Google Sheet facilitates this type of leader-board better. Don't worry.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Again like I said in another post it cannot be added to this SRC page because it would way too many levels to add. As well as make that section of the page look like a mess. I've been working on a separate Octo IL leaderboards on Google Docs complete with a submissions form so don't worry. I'll make that public when its done.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago


Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Octo Expansion Individual Level Leaderboards I have been working on to be functional in a Google Spreadsheets page complete with a submissions form and everything. So don't worry about that. The reason it hasn't been on SRC yet is because there are way too many levels without making everything a logistics and aesthetic nightmare. As for combining Hero Mode and Octo Expansion Categories that would be something for miscellaneous. (Tones already did that by doing 1000% for Hero Mode and 100% for Octo Expansion therefore naming it Everything% so I'm not sure just bring it up with the mods or something in the Discord, unlikely it might be added though even as a miscellaneous category)

meatlady bunu beğeniyor
Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Hey just had a question about the rules for Boss Rush (btw TonesBalones thank you for adding the category!! I really appreciate it man) -Time starts when you enter the first boss from the CQ-80. This replaces? -Time starts when you enter the Octo Expansion If so I can kind of understand why because it makes things a bit more convenient for the runner. If so I can convert my final time to the new timing method for consistency's sake. Will start my timer at the new spot for the future if this is the case. Thanks again!!

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Not to be rude or anything but it looks quite horrible in a couple places. Maybe clean it up a bit first and use actual letters for the O and S instead of cut out images. This is a good reference to go off of. (source is Splatoon 1 speedrun.com logo) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/463542062873182238/471104335024226315/Some_Logo.PNG The aesthetic looks clean and consistent while also resembling the actual in-game font (which is called Project Paintball by the way, here's the download link) http://fizzystack.web.fc2.com/paintball.html Hope you can submit something better in the future. Good luck!

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

There would be if the final boss wasn't based on RNG which can vary up to a minute and a half of time-loss. Just no. lol

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

They are boss fights yes by the definition but they are not selectable. You basically have to death abuse through the escape sequence to get to them as fast as possible then fight them and that's just not really convenient. TonesBalones said he would add the category as miscellaneous when I submitted a run/more people run it. It's pretty fun and short as well.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Yeah I linked them in the Youtube description because technically its not my content. Ydash doesn't have an actual video capture card so that's why I did it for him! :) He also has the record for Level 12 with just this.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Reading some of the threads have been a mess considering you guys only just now have consistent rules/separated leader-boards. (in my opinion with the difference between NTSC and PAL on console they should be separated or only NTSC should be allowed just like how RE2 does it, I agree with Carci in that regard) Anyway here are some questions I had.

-For a run on console is the RTA time counted or the IGT for being ranked on the leaderboard? I just see submitted runs with both being the IGT. What's the tldr on that reasoning?

-How does the IGT work for PC/Console/PSP? A more specific question would be when does it stop?

-Would I need to buy a 90K PS2, use Fast Disk Speed, and play on the NTSC version of the game to have the fastest setup possible?

I was just curious. Have a nice day! ^^

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

After reading the debate about this very run I'm not asking it to be submitted. ^^ Just thought I would share it with your community and make it more watchable for everyone. Enjoy!

P.S. Regardless I think this time can definitely be beaten.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Oh alright good to hear! It's definitely an important video which should be preserved. I am semi interested in doing Dino Crisis as a speed-game but I've been busy with other video projects/playing other speed-games to fully dive face first into it yet. And yeah just thought I would ask. Your reasoning does make sense. I just do this in my free time that's all. ^^

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Hey for anyone that was interested I made a comparison video between Ekudeht and lucianoRX's runs. Hopefully it can maybe be of use to any potential runners of New Game Normal. ^^

ToxicTT ve Mattmatt bunu beğendi
Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

By technicality yes. I was asking in the Resident Evil Speedruns Discord and Carcinogen has a friend who could interview Zeno+translate whatever he says into English so I could have that info. ie Date of the run, the console model used, and any other special info. I will try to do that sometime today! And post another thread containing the video once the information I need is acquired.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Oh okay. Didn't receive the notification for this reply. Understand the reasoning behind this! Would you do so for Zeno's segmented run maybe? Youku's video player is kind of mediocre to watch anything from my experience. I can also maybe get the true date from Zeno himself soon.

Michigan, USAHydrus5 years ago

Hi there, I found out about Luciano's record from this Reddit post. https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/8nopil/longeststanding_untied_world_records/

I then tried to watch it and realized it was in 13 separate videos. (yes I understand the limitations of the platform at the time but trying to watch it today is just inconvenient as heck) So I decided to download his entire playlist, put it into Adobe Premiere, and edit it together into one complete run. This includes no video overlap, linking each video together by the frame to create the smoothest watching experience possible. I can tell the moderators personally there is no cut parts and the video is what the record was originally supposed to look like. So in honor of Luciano and making his run watchable forever I ask one of the mods to submit my video for first place. Here's the link.

Really enjoyed working on this for your community and I was also able to download Zeno's segmented run with help from EZScape and that is also on Youtube! But it is currently unlisted because I want to include more info in the description about the run itself/Zeno. So that will come very soon. Hope you consider my offer and have a great day! :)

Hydrus Hakkında
6 years ago
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