Another Category Idea: SpareChange%
11 months ago
United States

This was not my idea and was from Gohrdahn.

You can find all of the rules on HIS Discord.

You cant just post the rules here? I'm guessing its just a coin only run? well whatever as I said with your other post, run it yourself, get other runners to try it and then it MIGHT be considered.

Ussom bunu beğeniyor
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Rules are as follows (copied straight from Gohrdahn's Discord):

  • Must P-Rank ALL LEVELS that contain at least one BOSS enemy, or an enemy with a visible HEALTH BAR. This includes SECRET BOSSES.
  • Although killing secret bosses is not currently required for all levels in this challenge, it is if that boss is the only one in the level, or if it is proven to be possible that the secret boss/bosses can be defeated in tandem with the level's main boss/bosses while still leaving room for the player to achieve a P-Rank.
  • If there is NO BOSS HEALTH BAR ON-SCREEN, any methods of damaging all enemies with the allowed equips are eligible, but THE MOMENT A BOSS HEALTH BAR APPEARS, the only allowed means of the player themselves damaging the boss, or bosses, are +FISTFUL OF DOLLAR and +CHARGEBACK, as well as whatever results from the chargeback. The boss can also be damaged by +FRIENDLY FIRE, but only if it was caused by a fellow enemy or itself.
  • Bosses that appear before their health bar appears shall still be treated as bosses. For example, no dead-coining V2 because of the immediate absence of its health bar, as this would defeat the purpose of the challenge.
  • PARRYING PROJECTILES FOR HEALTH & STYLE IS ALLOWED, but only if the parry DOES NOT result in damaging the boss.
  • 0-1 (MALICIOUS FACE) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 0-2 (SWORDSMACHINE) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 0-3 (SWORDSMACHINE) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 1-2 (CANCEROUS RODENT + VERY CANCEROUS RODENT) [Confirmed Possible, but only with exceptions (see exceptions below)]
  • 1-4 (V2, 1ST) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 2-4 (THE CORPSE OF KING MINOS, Hand Not Included) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 3-2 (GABRIEL, JUDGE OF HELL) [Confirmed Possible]
  • P-1 (FLESH PRISON + MINOS PRIME) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 4-2 (SISYPHEAN INSURRECTIONIST) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 4-3 (MYSTERIOUS DRUID KNIGHT & OWL) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 4-4 (V2, 2ND) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 5-2 (FERRYMAN) [Confirmed Possible]
  • 5-4 (LEVIATHAN) [Confirmed Possible, but only with exceptions (see exceptions below)]
  • 6-1 (HIDEOUS MASS + HIDEOUS MASS) [Confirmed Possible w/o Secret Encounters]
  • 6-2 (GABRIEL, APOSTATE OF HATE) [Confirmed Possible]
  • P-2 (FLESH PANOPTICON + SISYPHUS PRIME) [Confirmed Posssible]
  • CANCEROUS RODENT cannot be targeted by coin punches, and there is no quick-enough way to kill it otherwise without breaking the rules. So, the player may treat Cancerous Rodent as they would a normal enemy.
  • LEVIATHAN's level does not allow the player to gain enough style by the end of the fight with only +FISTFUL OF DOLLAR style accolades, but the style gap can be accounted for by allowing the player to parry LEVIATHAN's energy orbs back at it. However, this may only be performed once. The rest of the fight should be treated as normal.
  • MARKSMAN REVOLVER (For Coin-tossing)
  • FEEDBACKER (For Coin-Punching & Coin-Juggling)
  • KNUCKLEBLASTER (For Breaking Walls and Such)
  • WHIPLASH (For Coin-Juggling)
United States

Ins. We do not take text suggestions for categories. If you would like to see a category added please record a run and share it in the discord to see if others would be interested in running it as well. We maintain the Speedrunning leaderboard to uphold competition; However, you are always welcome to run whatever you would like even if we don't host a category for it.