[IL] 2 Arctic 05 - Hoppa Choppa
[IL] 2 Arctic 05 - Hoppa Choppa
Güncelleme tarihi 2 years ago tarafından mcill


Route options and benchmark times: kill turrets on way out, kill huskies on way back: 2:31 proper bomb energy management: 2:17

It is recommended not to attempt a faster route until your time is close to the benchmark time for the current strats you are using. If you are using faster strats and your time is still slower than the benchmark for a route with worse strats, it is recommended that you simplify your route.

Starting as the penguin, you must climb to the peak of the nearby slope and parachute down to the king penguin. Using the king penguin, clip over the wall by flying as high as possible after reaching the peak of the slope. The wall to clip over is the left one and the spot to clip over it is a bit to the left of the dark vertical line that is a bit to the left of the peak. You will land on or near a heli-rabbit. Butt-stomp the heli-rabbit 7 times to kill it, then swap into it. Fly back through the level, bombing turrets and huskies on the way, then fly back and finish the job. Then head to the exit after killing all of the turrets and huskies. You can try to fast fall to the exit if you are feeling up to an "advanced" technique (its slightly faster, but can lose a bunch of time depending on how you screw it up)

Combat strategy: You need to kill all of the turrets and all of the huskies. This takes more bombs than you have energy to bomb with, but fast-recharging is a very slow option in this case. Don't go from one target to another killing them as you go. Instead, just fly past each target and drop a few bombs on them as you go by. This strategy prevents you from draining all of your energy on one target and lets you recharge between targets while still travelling through the stage quickly. Also, the huskies will move around and attack you after you bomb them, making them harder to kill. If you fly past them, they de-aggro and you can hit them easier the second time around. Once you reach the end, you can do the same on the way back except this time you need to make sure the targets die. The two exceptions are the final husky and the turret closest to it. The turret is in an awkward spot and so it is best to kill it once so that you don't have to navigate there again. The husky is just the last target and so you need to kill it while turning around; you don't get two fly-bys.

The best way to kill the final husky, since you can't de-aggro him, is to fly at him from high up so that he doesn't see you until late. However, you also want to be falling toward him. It is much easier to hit huskies when you are low down.


Fast falling: Sliding off of an edge as a flying animal causes you to fall faster. Flying animals have two states when moving downward in the air I guess: "landing" and "falling". When you fly up and then stop flying, you "land", which is a slow downward movement. When you walk off an edge, you "fall", which is a fast downward movement. All of the birds can fast fall by walking off an edge, but they correct themselves to a "landing" state quickly after. The heli-rabbit does not correct the "falling" state, but cannot move on the ground. Therefore, to fast fall as the heli-rabbit, you have to land with forward momentum near an edge so that as you slide to a stop, you fall off the edge.

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