[HOW] to learn the game
[HOW] to learn the game
Güncelleme tarihi 2 years ago tarafından mcill

Friends, speedrunning is a hard hobby and the people who are at the top of their game have dedicated years to getting that good. You can catch up, but just because I can get a sub 1:10 run doesn't mean you should expect a sub 1:10 run. Expect your first run to be 2 hours long and many runs from there to be ~1:45. Don't try to beat me, try to beat yourself.

With that in mind, it is far more important to learn smart and run smart than it is to learn the "best" strats and the "fastest" strats. Don't jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. In the case of speedrunning, trying to execute these so-called "fastest" strats will often result in either failure of the strat or overly cautious and careful gameplay. In either case, it will be slower than the easy strats. If you fail, you might die and lose minutes, or maybe you have to spend 15 seconds getting back into position. If you are overly cautious you might spend 10 extra seconds trying to "set up" a strat that only saves 5 seconds to begin with, causing the strat to be 5 seconds SLOWER than the easy strat.

By far the most important thing for you is to play consistently and purposefully without hesitation.

Play consistently. If you can't execute a trick with a high success rate, maybe just don't use it.

Play purposefully. Have a plan going into the run and don't deviate from it. Trying new things or thinking you'll figure it out when you get there is a recipe for disaster.

Play without hesitation. You NEED to know your plan instinctively down to the detail. A lot of this is simple details like knowing the layout of a level and how to get to the first objective from the start of the level, or how to get from the last objective to the end of the level. If you finish a task (like pushing a switch) and then have to think even for 1 second about where to go next OR how to get there, you are hesitating.

After you are consistent and after you remove hesitation from your runs, THEN learn something new. after you have learned the new thing, implement it into your plan. After its in your plan, do runs until you have removed your hesitation. Learn one thing at a time, slowly implementing each one into your plan.

The importance of having a plan, being consistent with it, and avoiding hesitation can be exemplified by the run below. In this run I didn't execute any strats that aren't "necessary" and I still managed to get a 1:18. Sure I played many fights at a high level, but even if you play at a lower level, you should be able to get a 1:25 without "unnecessary" strats. If you do not have a 1:25, I recommend not trying to learn new strats, maybe even remove some strats from your route. Instead, remove the hesitation from your gameplay and increase the consistency of your gameplay.

This video covers what strats are critical to learn. If you learn nothing except these strats, you're basically good to go:

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