Mad Max (2015) speedrunning
3 years ago
Texas, USA

This game needs an additional or a new moderator. PenAgain, the current moderator, is inactive and has been for years. Currently I run it and Raelcun has ran it as well(no affiliation with Raelcun).

On another note, I currently but unofficially have the world record for Mad Max 2015 any% and All Missions. However I stream from my ps4 to Twitch. I can not use any overlays or live splits or anything to record my time but otherwise from start to finish my runs are legit. So any help or advice with that would be great. I have a cheap home computer that's not powerful enough for anything like that nor do I even have a capture card..

Glamorganshire, Wales

Regarding your first point, if the moderator has been inactive for years then make a removal request on this forum if you're also unable to contact them: For your other note I'd try posting the question in Streaming and Recording equipment's threads, livesplit is very low maintenance so you likely shouldn't have any problem running it on a laptop alongside your playstation, the specific game might not require you to have a timer overlay at all either so it'd be best to check it out with them.

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