Punch-Out Newcomer
4 years ago

Hello! I'm new to the speedrunning community!

I decided to get into speedrunning after beating punch out for the first time and finding out that people have been beating the game blindfolded for years...

Being the competitive person I am that makes me want to get really good at speedrunning the game.

I was also wondering if anyone knows where I can find a newer TAS of Punch-Out. The only ones i can really find on youtube are relatively outdated.

ShadowFlare7799 bunu beğeniyor
Pennsylvania, USA

The blindfolded run of punchout comes from a speedrunner named luke miller aka sinister1 on youtube im friends with him. I don't really play punchout so I'm afraid that I can't be more informative other than try asking other members or searching google. There may or may not be more TAS videos of punchout. When I tried looking I couldn't find anything new :( Maybe somebody else has.Welcome to the forums though and hope you like it here.

DBlaze77 bunu beğeniyor

Yeah I'm familiar with sinister, zallard, and summoningsalt. All undeniably fantastic punch-out speedrunners for sure. I appreciate the warm welcome!

ShadowFlare7799 bunu beğeniyor
Richmond, VA, USA

Welcome and good luck. Mike Tyson or it didn't happen :P

witchakorn bunu beğeniyor
Pennsylvania, USA

hey i saw you on Coachs clip he showed us how to beat Tyson lol i cant beat him with a keyboard need the console

witchakorn bunu beğeniyor
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Blindfold Battle Toad was a Crazy one too lol even Pokemon

ShadowFlare7799 bunu beğeniyor
Pennsylvania, USA

blindfold battle toad i'll have to try that some time lol. right now I just did a no damage run of castlevania 2 simons quest for my youtube channel.. but you gave me an idea for battletoads sounds like an awesome challenge.

witchakorn bunu beğeniyor
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Let go!

ShadowFlare7799 bunu beğeniyor