Güncelleme tarihi 8 years ago tarafından Neo53

Controls: PS2 - X = Jump ☐ = Melee Attack O = Ranged Attack △ = Interact R1 = Roll R2 = Special Attack L1 = Change Character L2 = Directional Pad = Use Potion ☐☐☐ = 3-Hit Combo ☐O☐☐ = 4-Hit Combo ☐OO☐☐ = 5-Hit Combo

X360 - IDK

Wii - IDK

Throughout this guide I will be using PS2 controls as a reference, i.e. When I say "X" I mean PS2 "X", NOT X360 "X".

Timing starts when you select "Continue without saving." Timing ends on the "game completed" screen. (NOT the "chapter 7 complete" screen).

Notes: Rolling is faster than walking IF done correctly. Repeatedly press R1 will, most of the time, have a few frames of no movement before rolling again. Timing your rolls so that you roll again as soon as you stand up is faster than walking. DO NOT DIE (obviously). Dying will trigger a loading screen that will cost around 20 seconds. In combat, using a jump attack to close the distance with an enemy (whether you hit them or not, though hitting them is ideal) and attacking immediately is the fastest strategy. After powering up, using higher level combos is faster than a regular 3-hit combo.

Chapter 1: The Avatar State Ideally, this segment should take less than 4 minutes. As soon as you enter the game you'll be confronted with a cutscene and a lengthy loading screen. Mash X to skip past the cutscene and wait through the loading screen. After loading there will be another cutscene. Again, mash X. Once the cutscene is skipped, a tooltip will show on screen. Press X to pass it and begin your first battle.

Phase 1 - First you'll be confronted with 2 enemies. Just keep using jump attacks and 3-hit combos to deal with them. If the one that you're not attacking targets you, just change your attacks to hit them. No need to dodge here. Either way, Katara should grab the attention of the second enemy. Phase 2 - Another 4 enemies shouldn't be a problem. Just use basic combat strats. Straight after killing those 4, 6 more will jump down. Use the special attack in the middle of the arena to dispatch of them. Obviously it's better to hit as many as possible with the special attack. Phase 3 - Skip past the tooltip that shows and quickly defeat the 4 enemies. Simply run or roll out of the way if they use ranged attacks. Phase 4 - Jump over the rocks. Rolling into them also works (thanks to Nathan for testing that). No need to save at any point in the run. Phase 5 - General Fong finally decides to fight you himself. Just use normal combat strats. If he creates a disc of rock, just move behind him and keep attacking. His other attack also only affects in front of him. He is also vulnerable after using it so make every hit count. When he has around one half health bar remaining, a tooltip will show on screen and you'll enter the avatar state. Press buttons correctly and you'll win. It is NOT faster to purposefully fail and keep attacking.

Skip the cutscene and split at "Chapter 1 complete."

Chapter 2: Return to Omashu Ideally, this segment should take less than 20 minutes. After a loading screen, another cutscene will start. Skip it to get into the stage. As soon as the level loads, jump up the ramp infront of you and open the silver chest.

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