How to play Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
How to play Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Updated 6 years ago by gsampson35

This game is pretty basic in the terms of gameplay. There are some advanced strategy's that I use for my WR runs for score. I will go over all that I know about the game.

Quick kills : If you time it right and approach a victim just as they are gonna jump to the opposite side of you. You can quickly turn around and kill them with one rev of the chainsaw. In theory this also saves a pixel of fuel usually.

0 - 20,000 point strategy : Leatherface is off centered to the right of the screen. Traveling right (although more risky) is the best method to use because once a victim appears to the right its less distance to travel to get to it.

20,000 - 30,000 point strategy : Once Leatherface gets faster. Objects on the screen scroll towards you very quickly. Going right at this point is possible buy risky. It's always best to travel left no matter what unless the victim to the right appears directly across from you. Most games once you get close to 29k points you will be very low on gas. Quick kills are required to break past the 30k mark.

30,000 - 53,000 point strategy : At this point the game gets very fast. Always travel left. Once you get to 35,000 + You get a lot more gas for each 5000 points you earn. When you clear 40,000 nearly a full tank for every 5000 points. At this point is almost best to wiggle back and fourth in place till a victim appears.

Most people have believed that the highest score possible in this game was 34,000 points. After a little competition with a fellow gamer we both were tied at 38,000. Then when I was playing trying to beat that score the game of a lifetime happened. I ended up getting 53,000. In which at that point the game gets so fast its nearly unplayable.

Here is the run.

Well hopefully this can help some folks that are interested in the game. To get the right game you need patience and of course lots of resets.

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