Extra Exp abuse.
Extra Exp abuse.
Updated 7 years ago by Delekates

It actually works with multiple enemyes like in 2 Mumakills fight i ended both elephants with penta strike and ive got 900k-800k-400k exp. While killing it with usual way gives 240k-200k-100k. Abuse is real! Doesnt work with Idrial and Elegost.

Okay so lets see notable fights. Will edit as routing will go: Balrog: usually all dead = 25k exp. Alive 50k exp - finishing with double 110k Nerethor others 100k. Ressurecting all and killing will take more around 1m30sec. Might be hard to calculate dmg. Also need to use Shelob Slime on Berethor - with it he misses less.

Warg Boss: 35k exp which goes to around 75k. As shown in run (c4) wont take extra time. This fight might go completely wrong if someone gets stunned (usually Berethor or Elegost, Idrial not so bad still bad). Or worse if Berethor misses, so maybe we need to lvl up Dispel before this fight. Maybe need to find some item that ocasionally gives Berethor 100% chance to hit. TEST?

Grima: 50k fight goes to 100k. On my run its quite easy kill. Guess when enemy is stunned Berethor simply can miss him LUL

Shanka on Warg: 80k turns into 150/130 and if u have triple strike here 220/190 still need to TEST. Well looks like piece of cake. PM with Berethor and finish him up.

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