Here are some neat little movement optimizations for the DS version
3 years ago
Georgia, USA

The video you could probably watch and learn from it but i also made a google doc that explains some of the more complex ones like getting 21 seconds on the Air gliding course. And i have played this game long enough to say that movement optimizations is the most important thing in this game and will lower your time significantly so without further adieu here is the google doc

and here is the link to the video showing the movement in action and the video is only 3min 36sec long

Now i forgot to mention in the doc or video but if a cliff or edge is close enough Ang will jump to it no problem a example by what i mean is 17 seconds into the video and it does saves about 1-2 seconds of time the first time around early on in the run and about 6 seconds around 24 or so min into the run. And i am only making this because i want more people to run this game, also yes i know this is probably not the best optimization in movement but really with no one else working on it its the best we have for now

PoZitron and Sklitterbeer like this

thx for helping new players

HolyJesusTiTz likes this
Georgia, USA

I await the day where this game becomes so popular and played at a GDQ lol

PunchSh0t likes this
Georgia, USA

Might as well add a update here. I have some more movement optimizations for y'all. i would like to thank Seelen for informing me about the first one long ago. For the first one where i stand is consistent enough but there is probably a better setup to hit both switches. Now you can get away with destroying 4 hey bales before getting scolded then you can feed the last to Oppa. Oh Zuko, you can actually skip a phase by doing 3 airblasts on a chain then getting that meter back up and taking out two chains at the same time as shown in the video, also there was so much time i went and swagged for both chains down to 1 health which does not matter as the health resets when a chain breaks i think, but this does put in in phase 2 move set and health meter meaning he won't attack as much and he would fall through a glitched grate when you beat him. But as you notice it leaves a explosive barrel up that does not fall down, however i don't know if that actually does anything i thought it looked cool so i added it lol. The rest is explanatory mostly the using barrels on downed enemies for the finishing blow as this is way early in the game, so it is faster to do that instead of waiting for them to get up.

And for the glider part at before the end i found out that you can just squeeze through a gap by moving somewhat at a angle which is probably not that much faster than the previous one, but i still recommend destroying the first two as dying there is annoying as you have to watch the cutscene of entering the room again. Now the part at the end is funny as as soon as that note pops up you don't have to wait just climb and jump and you get the orb which is faster than waiting.

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