New Misc category, Infinite Olives
4 years ago

Hey all,

Just wanted to make a little post on what this category is and why I made it!

So I'm pretty darn certain a lot of folks that have some interest in this game have it shot down pretty hardcore by the olive grind (and yeah, I really don't blame anyone for not wanting to sit through that, lol). I'm hoping by having a category that doesn't require heavy RNG olive grinds, some more folks might be able to give this game a try!

I feel like because it requires use of a game genie or something that emulates a game genie, it's best classified as a Misc category.

Here are the game genie codes (credit to JLukas on the digitpress forums): GGVISPAO VAVIVPZP OIVINPIV

From initial testing, the route looks exactly the same as any% but with more death warps all over the place since you don't have to worry about olive loss. Also, while you're in Crete, you have the option of picking up the power bracelet (which I think saves time overall?) for the double damage and free lightning.

Anyway... The category is up now. I'll be probably working on getting a run submitted this week, but if anyone wants to beat me to the punch, feel free! :)

goth4goth likes this

I will try it soon for fun i think ^^


Looking forward to watching an infinite-olives run soon ;)

goth4goth likes this
Texas, USA

I'm going to put this here for the record -

The Game Genie codes to achieve the same effect on the Japanese version are:


I was able to come up with these by looking at the original post (which is here btw) and examining the roms themselves to spot the differences. There was enough information to hack the (J) rom and run the results through FCEUX's GG code utility to come up with these. All in all, it was a fun little exercise.

Unfortunately, my initial testing shows that the Japanese version is actually slower than the US version. However, if anyone wants to delve deeper, here you go.

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