Spara: X-Men Origins Wolverine NG+ Save File PC
X-Men Origins Wolverine NG+ Save File PC
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av DevilSnake74

A file that is used for NG+ runs. It contains level 40 with all upgrade, max reflexes and all mutagens. Make sure to backup your previous save file as this game only has one save slot. To insert the save file just extract the packed file with winrar or whatever you use to extract stuff then the file named "Wolverine" put into your primary storage device,users,your PC name and in documents. It might ask you to overwrite and do that. The game pretty much makes a save file when you launch it for a first time. Settings like resolution are also tied to this file so I'm not sure if you will run into any issues if you have a monitor that doesn't support 1080p as that's the resolution I have set my game and this save file to.

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