Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hello. I would like to know when retry is allowed and when it is not. if it is fully allowed, can it be used as many times as you want? thank you for your attention.

Blucker12 tycker om detta
United States

Retry in terms of dying or reloading save to bring AI closer?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I mean despawn of enemies (like leon ch 1 in the "hut") and also retry that change RNG (like ada ch 3. if you retry the first Ubistvo, you force an excellent RNG that doesn't happen at first)

  • I used Google Translator. I don't know if you understood
United States

Restarting at those points is fine. Restarting counts for IGT as well so it isnt as bad as RE5 so I wouldnt recommend spamming it

CharlesCastellanos tycker om detta