Any% and NG+ Guide (Part 1)
Any% and NG+ Guide (Part 1)
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av ViperUK

Hi there, Welcome to the Any% and NG+ Guide for Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice on the PSP.

In this guide I'll be going over some general tips for the game and also a few recommendations during missions too so let's begin shall we? :)

  • Act I Ok so this is essentially the introduction to the game, you should be able to get through the opening missions with ease however there are one or two which may stop you if you're playing or running this game for the first time. A general tip I can give straight away here is to arrest some of the criminals during the on-foot sections of the game as when you arrest a enemy you can acquire the weapon they are using which is useful for some of the boss fights, keep some weapons handy and test out which weapons do the most damage to the bosses too as the more damage you can do to a boss with a weapon the better and quicker you can kill them.

The first of these missions is "Highway Robbery", in this mission you'll need to escort the truck that you are driving to the city whilst defending against Raider vehicles and gang members. Some of these gang members will attempt to try and hijack the truck you're driving and if they jump on your truck you need to swerve to get them off you. If you make it to the city then you'll need to defend it again however this time the tables will have turned in your favour, as you'll get put in the back of the Pursuit Force Off-Roader vehicle and from here you just need to escort Ashley and protect her from the Raider Gang. Ideally in this mission you'll want to start shooting vehicles the moment they appear and keep an eye on the top of the truck as they can kill Ashley if you're not quick enough.

The other mission you'll most likely struggle with in this act is the final one which is "Half-Life Hijack", in this mission you'll need to takedown the Raider gang members at the yard and kill the Striker Twins afterwards. I'd recommend taking it easy in killing the gang members as they can easily kill you and Preach (Your buddy) if you're not careful and things get harder from there with the Striker twins, ideally you want to have the machine gun from one of the enemies you arrest in the previous segment so that when they attack you you can kill them quickly. The main idea for the boss fight here is to kill one of the quads they are on so that they ride together on one, once they are both on the same quad don't stop shooting and you should be able to kill off one of the twins with ease. However this isn't the end of the mission as you've still got the other twin to deal with, during this boss fight make sure to take cover and dodge his projectiles and when he stops open fire and kill that sucka!

  • Act II

Now the game gets tougher, more bad guys and your first taste of another gameplay mechanic of this game: Sniping!

This mechanic is shown the easiest in Marina Mayhem as you'll need to kill the Syndicate members before they kill Ashley, it's quite a simple mission and one that I recommend you practice as you need to make sure she doesn't get killed and with the AI in this game sometimes it's much easier said than done.

Most of the missions are fairly straight forward and shouldn't be too hard to pass, personally I didn't get stuck on any missions here during my first playthrough however that doesn't mean some will give you a hard time as a rookie player. So for this section I'll list a few missions which can give you some grief, the first mission is called "Fire Fight" as in this mission you need to defeat Convict vehicles and take down Billy Wilde once again except this time there's the addition of having to climb onto his Fire Truck from Hell!

You'll need to defeat some of his goons before you can face him but when you do make sure to take cover from his fireballs, one of the weapons you can acquire in this mission is the Bolt Thrower which can deal a hefty amount of damage to him and can kill him quickly should you not get hit by any of his fireballs first.

The next mission you'll encounter which can be tricky is "Bombs Away", for the most part this mission is simple: Scare Billy Wilde and get to the tram depot before time runs out however when you get to the tram depot it becomes a race against time to get to the other side as you'll burn to death thanks to Billy trying to kill you as he escapes from your vehicle. There's plenty of convicts in the depot so run and gun through the depot to get to the end point, there are mounted guns placed around the depot which will help mow down enemies with ease if you manage to get on them which brings me to the final part of this mission. Once you've got as far as you can go to the other side of the depot you'll now need to chase down a tram which contains a bomb, ram it to bits and the mission will end.

Finally the last mission in this act which is called "Trained to Kill" will provide some players with a hard challenge towards the end which is sniping from a moving vehicle, this is something you'll need to get used to as it is used a bit more in the later part of the game. The first part of this mission is basic as all you need to do is destroy the 7 raider vehicles before you reach the train however once you reach the train you'll need to make sure the train gets to its destination without the raiders capturing it, as mentioned before you'll need to snipe the enemies from the roof of the train whilst both you and the train are moving which is very difficult unless your a crack shot straight off the bat ;)

Repel the enemy assaults on the train and that's the final mission in Act II passed and now it's time for the main chunk of the game: Act III!

  • Act III

During this act the game really turns it up to 11 as you are tasked with taking down some of the gangs of Capital City, these include the Convicts and the Raiders. There are a few notable missions in this act and since this is the biggest section of the game (And in my opinion the longest one too) you'll take on quite a few tough missions so here goes:

  1. A New Quarry - This mission has you seeking out the hideout of where the Syndicate are doing their dirty dealings, you'll fight some convict and syndicate gang members alongside Lucy (Your helicopter pilot) however things are going to be difficult as more often than not she'll get targeted more than you by the gang members so keep them off her and stay alive and you should be good. You aren't against the clock on this one so take as long as you need and stay alive, once you've dealt with the gang members you'll come across a rather mean looking Hard Balls who is back with a vengeance this time. Defend against Hard Balls' attacks and defeat the Convicts' gang vehicles and you'll pass the mission.

  2. Summit on the Summit - Another mission that has you sniping from a moving vehicle, again it starts with your typical "Destroy the convicts vehicles etc." but once you get passed that and onto the sniping part this is where it'll get tricky. Ideally you want to snipe the guys before Ashley jumps onto the carriage if you can otherwise you'll find it harder to keep her alive however it doesn't stop there, each time you get to a station they'll be enemies you'll need to shoot so keep an eye out and nail them guys quick and should you get Ashley to the top safely you'll pass the mission.

  3. Jamming Session - This mission starts on-foot and is very tricky to stay alive so take cover behind boxes etc. as much as you can to avoid being killed instantly, the main goal here is to attach explosives to the AA guns that the Raiders are using and you do that by holding down the X button to plant explosive. Once you've planted the explosive you'll need to take down the Raiders' satelite dishes that are located on the roofs so lock and load and destroy those dishes!

Right so you've destroyed their AA Guns and Satelite dishes but they've still got the jamming equipment so now you need to capture the vehicles which is simple enough, capture the vehicles and you've passed the mission.

  1. Hell Hath no Fury! - Ok so this one is all about being quick at the start to have any chance of progressing to the main part of the mission, shoot the Warlords' vehicles and damage the tank too to force a retreat (Ideally you'll need to damage the tank down to about 1/4 health before it cracks)

Once this has been done it's time to take down the Tank and the Warlords Lieutenant too, keep close to the tank and let Ashley attach explosive and once she's done that flush out that pesky Warlord and end this once and for all! Ideally you want to cycle around him (Flush him out, shoot him to lower his health rince and repeat) however if you want to deal extra damage place a grenade in his cannon when it comes around to hit you. Do enough damage and you'll have dealt a severe blow to the Warlords.

  1. Loose Ends - Another Syndicate mission and it's a much tougher one this time! Ok so here's how the mission goes, you need to get to a Military Facility as the Syndicate are causing havoc however when you get there they've completely overrun the facility and need to be taken down which is standard stuff at this point. Kill the syndicate thugs and chase down the vehicles to get the detonators however just know that they have backup with them this time making this mission much more difficult than past missions, stop the cars and you'll pass the mission.

  2. Swampland Showdown - Final Raiders mission to stop the gang once and for all, kill as many members as you can and take out their vehicle and fuel storage units then chase after Lockjaw who is on his monster hovercraft. Take down the guards and then knock out his boosters to slow him down, once you're on his hovercraft use his spear gun against him to damage his shield and hurt him being careful of his gang members as well. Take him down and the Raiders gang are finished along with Act III!

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