"Wallclimb-to-Stuck" in BENEFACTOR help
7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Hey Guys. Im pretty new to running this game (actually i started yesterday) and i was watching Tommoa's guide while playing the same route until i came to the one part in "Benefactor" where you have to climb the metal thingy and get stuck so you can climb even higher.


My problem now is that i cant manage to get stuck. I tried Tommoas angle almost hundred times and different ones, too.


Do you guys have some tips for me?`:^)

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

That wallclimb doesnt work for a few people for some reason, but if you watch Hekigans run you can see the other way to do the skip.

Good luck on your runs!

alvy8bit tycker om detta
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

hey thanks i will watch his run and see if this helps :^)


You'll have to do it either of these ways. Join the discord for more easily accessible help https://discord.gg/012yZfNtL6swfNOO5

alvy8bit tycker om detta
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

oh wow! thanks for even recording something to help me <3

i will try it now :^)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

little update: i get the first of your two methods but only once in like 20 tries. i struggle with grabbing that pipe .. feels like im not getting high enough. are there any tips'n'trick ? (ofc im doing that fastturn thingy to get a little height but its not enough :( ) sry if i annoy you guys with my questions:D thats by far the "hardest" part for me by now :^)

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

turn with the mouse, this strat is really hard but the only way you can do it :/

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

well i just edited my last post to my newer problem but your answer came to fast :D

is there anything more to know to get a little more height? :D

either i cant reach it or i get pushed away from it :D

i would upload a video to show what i mean but my uploadspeed sucks and it would take hours to do :D

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

Sometimes you just have to get your own feel for how something works. So just sit and practice it for a while and then you'll hit that moment where it just clicks :3

alvy8bit tycker om detta

For more height, activate the springboard as far away from the bag as you can.

Hong Kong

Just don't hold any direction key while climbing. I once failed on this same strat too until the people in the discord gave me the above suggestion.

alvy8bit tycker om detta
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

hm ok .. well i always hold W while climbing :^) i will try it and see if it helps. thanks <3

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

ok even with this suggestion i cant manage to do this trick.

i recorded some attempts here with my inputs onscreen... maybe you can see my mistakes. i bet its a stupid mistake Kappa


Try to wait a bit long with turning around after the quick turn to get the max height.

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

thanks galaxy now the height is perfect but faith doesnt grab the pipe....i guess i have to continue the longer route through the building ... its like 1 or 2 minutes longer ...


I'll make you a video later

alvy8bit tycker om detta
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

oh wow thanks. really appreciate it!! :O sry that im so annoying but this pipe, the elevator skip in "fly trap" that wont work for me and complete "tickets please" are the parts of the run that keep me away from a better time. the rest is just better routing. and with your help there are only two annoying parts left i have to solve! HYPE!

edit: ok Hekigan you dont have to make a video about this anymore. i found my last mistake. I just have to try to wallclimb more on the left side of the wall so faith has a chance to grab the pipe. before this I aimed just randomly around the middle so after the turn the pipe was to far left for her to grab it.

BUT STILL: thanks guys for all the help in this thread <3

perfect moment to quote what feya50 wrote 20 days ago: "Sometimes you just have to get your own feel for how something works. So just sit and practice it for a while and then you'll hit that moment where it just clicks :3"

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

Nice! No problem, good luck on your runs!


Well i recorded it anyway so idk if anyone else is having trouble here's the skip with inputs displayed

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