How to play Chapter 5 on PPSSPP (PSP emulator)
How to play Chapter 5 on PPSSPP (PSP emulator)
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av Vossler_XIII


After 10+ years a person with the nickname "Linblow" was able to decrypt the US version of patch 1.2 and launch it on PPSSPP emulator. The version of the emu, actually, doesn’t matter (tested on 1.6.3 and on 1.13.2), but what matters is that the decrypted patch and the decrypted game fully stable and having a proper emulation of Killzone Liberation VERSION 1.2 that came out on May 30th of 2007.

This is the official comment from Linblow’s discord, “I decrypted the patch months ago and updated the game with it (v1.20). You can find it on static socom cc. You still need to place the CHAPTER5 file in the PSP/GAME/UCUS98646 folder though. Which I manually updated to 1.20 (decrypted the PGD file that can't be decrypted in emulators), as well as the PARAM SFO file, and repacked into a new ISO. Remember to have Killzone's CHAPTER5.BIN file in your MemoryStick directory, at this path: PSP/GAME/UCUS98646Otherwise you won't have the new chapters.” which have been tested by me and I can clearly say that this is exactly the “vanilla” version of the original Killzone: Liberation on PSP, and you can speedrun freely.


  1. Go to and download "Chapter 5 info for EMU" under “patches” where you can find information on where and how to get to the decrypted game.
  2. Download US Chapter 5 (1.2) from the same link above
  3. Unzip file and put 2 files into the following directory: PSP/GAME/UCUS98646
  4. Launch the decrypted game, and you will see Chapter 5.


UPDATE 09/28/2022 Linblow has released a patched version of the game (EU and USA) where you don't have to do ANY manipulations with the PSP/GAME data and install official DLC. PLease, contact me (Vossler_XIII) directly, so I can provide you with info about this patched versions of the game. Thank you.