PC vs switch
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

PC is obviously better. grass can chime in on the difference in load times

how do we deal with this? I was thinking keep RTA but also include a sum of IL column for sorting. the main issue is of course MAS1 which is easy enough to time but a few questions remain: round up/down to nearest second? have two columns for mas1 and mas2-moon sum? i dunno just spitballing here. or we could add tabs, a tested and proven solution in the myriad speedrun.com communiti

feedback appreciated

Minnesota, USA

@grass oh huh, yeah i guess sum of ils makes sense @grass it seems like youd round mas1 down since thats what all the other levles are @grass and ive always timed it from first frame of katamari movement to first frame of goal size @grass iirc thats what the game timer uses @grass based on hackz0rz @grass FUCK why isnt this a forjm post im not retyping thisb ullshti @grass the only thing is that it could be annoying for ppl to come up with that time

Texas, USA

Is this discussion just from the standpoint of making sure the times are comparable? There are quite a few games where load times and more powerful version are obviously going to have better times. Is this just in an attempt to make sure Switch versions have the ability to compete?

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