Road to Sub-1:30
Road to Sub-1:30
Uppdaterad 2 years ago av Daborshy

Here's a nutshell of the strats that I used to achieve 1:15:

  1. Double damage glitch works by being inside a Nickel when a magic tile spawns in it. (This will require you to take damage). Unfortunately, it is completely random where the tile spawns, so getting this glitch will likely require many resets. This glitch can compound onto itself, perhaps infinitely.

  2. After you've gotten an extra tile from glitch #1, it is possible to get an additional extra tile for every transition phase. In order to do this, damage The Boss until his HP is 2 or more. Then kill him by collecting the remaining tiles in rapid succession. If you are too slow, his HP will settle on 1, and you will not get the extra tile.

  3. In order to maintain extra tiles between phases, you have to collect them before the fight phase ends. Then, do not collect them until his Health Bar becomes active for the next fight phase. If you collect them during transition, they will not come back.

  4. To skip the ending sequence, you have to die at the same time that you collect the final tile that kills The Boss in Phase 4. The easiest way to do this is to walk into a tile located under a laser beam, with your main character. NOTE: Walking into a laser beam-tile with the "mirror" character will generally not achieve this glitch.

  5. If you have tiles during a transition phase, you can perform another glitch that I'm proud to have discovered, which I simply call the Phase Skip glitch. This is performed by collecting a tile so that The Boss takes damage the instant his health bar becomes active for the next phase. This requires VERY PRECISE TIMING. And I suspect that there is an element of RNG in addition to the tight timing requirement, as I could never get it down to 100% consistency.

Because a phase starts by The Boss' HP bar dropping from full damage to 0, a tile collected at this precise moment fills his damage meter which has not yet fallen, causing him to die and skip directly to the next transition phase.

However, his HP bar will remain vulnerable during the ensuing transition phase. Meaning that you can continue to damage him during the transition phase(!!!).

This glitch can be performed to skip Phase 2, Phase 3, or Phase 4. However, I find that it is most valuable to skip Phase 2, because the transition between 2 and 3 is very long. You want to be able to inflict damage during that time, instead of standing around doing nothing.