Connecting a Wiimote to Dolphin
Connecting a Wiimote to Dolphin
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av Niktu

To comply with the rules, here is how to connect a Wiimote to Dolphin.

Part 1: Connecting the Wiimote via Bluetooth The Dolphin website has a step by step guide on this process here

Part 2: Sensor Bar Conundrum This is the more complicated step... In order to actually use the Wiimote, a form of sensor bar is required. There are 2 options: Option 1: "Counter-intuitive Method" Strangely if a Wii is turned on while the remote is connected to a computer, Dolphin will react to it. The basic setup is to Run Dolphin while a Wii is on with the sensor bar above or below your monitor. In order words, playing on console with extra steps. Option 2: Mayflash Dolphin Bar Mayflash sells a sensor bar designed for Dolphin use which can be purchased here

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