Postem aqui se as vossas speedruns não foram analisadas após um dia! // Post here if your speedrun wasn't verified after one day!
1 year ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Eu mandei meu video ontem e ainda nao foi analisado.

dha likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Analisem meu video fazendo um favor!

dha likes this

Analise meu vídeo

dha likes this

Analisem meu vídeo

dha and Binhollk like this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Análisem meus vídeos por favor

dha and Binhollk like this

porfavor analisem o meu video porfavor

dha likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

Analisem meu último vídeo pffffff

dha likes this
Minas Gerais, Brazil

Analisem meu vídeo pvrr 1 dia

dha and _VyPr_ like this

Is this the right place to ask for verifying a run that’s older than 24h? If so, can someone verify my run?

Naegi and dha like this

@TIRICOBR I don't see runs pending for you maybe it was less than 24h, @Blackbomm your video is private or unavailable. All other runs have been approved!

Por favor analisem meu vídeo

dha likes this

@dha stole my verification

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Paraná, Brazil

Ou ADM me avalia MN ;-; mandei meu vídeo ontem e os cara já verifica o do cara que mandou hj

Bluestonex64 likes this

@gamerraposso sorry but they were all rejections, please resubmit a video showing the Tap to Play screen, and your tiktok was unavailable

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Alguém pode avaliar a minha run? Mandei ontem já :)

Bluestonex64 likes this

Analisem minha run por favor mandei já faz uma semana e nada

dha likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

Alguém Analisa a minha run por favor, já vai fazer dois dias que enviei ela

Edited by the author 1 year ago
dha likes this
Basque Country

[respond to a message that was deleted]

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basque Country

the news and posts specificaly stated where to contact, but i guess the thread works as well if mods are good with it