Mission 1: The Cleaner
Mission 1: The Cleaner
Updated 6 years ago by littlemadhatter

This is your first mission upon starting the campaign. Your character Iden versio a commander of the inferno squad has been captured (is what they think because later on you find out she wanted to be captured) and is asked a question what is her droid activation code she will not answer and the admiral or officer (i not sure which one it was but i think it was a officer) will leave the room as soon as he does Iden will say the activation code to wake her droid up when she does you will come to the droid to a guy that is gonna try to open you up once the droid is fully awake you will have the option to shock him once you do you will start playing as the driod you will first be tasked with accessing the cameras to find Iden they are accessible on two command consoles to your left and right (from what i see is that if you are playing on Xbox one go the left command console and access left camera if you are playing on pc go to the right command console and access the left camera dont know about ps4 version yet) once your done with finding her then go to the vents BUT before you do that if you go to the back of the room and the left side you will find a box that is a collectable, access it and go to the vents follow to the end while being careful of the live timed electric walls that you will see while going though the vents once you are out follow the hallway to the end and access the locked door once you do that wait a few seconds for the rebel to leave the room once just get pass the room and go to the hallway then because there are guards guarding the hallway to her cell so you will have to go back up though the vents once again follow it to the end of it while being careful of the live timed electric walls once you are out you will be in a big room with the ability to scan for enemies scan and avoid them if you go bellow of the big platform you will find a collectible access it and go to the left side with a electric wall you will have to raise it by going to the command console by the electric wall behind it and access it to raise the electric wall if you waited for a rebel to pass it before you accessed it you will have to shock the rebel because the rebel will be investigating it once you done that go to the vents this time you just need to go to the end as that will be Iden's cell once you get to her you will start playing as her. you have to tell your droid to slice the door out of your cell takedown the rebel that is front of you once you do that keep going down until you meet the other rebel to which you have your droid to shock him to keep going until you get the gun then you have two choices go loud or go silent doesn't matter because later on you will have to go loud once you get the gun get to the objective though the (generator room?) also while your in the generator room if you go to the left side and the door to the left is the final collectible for the mission then you once you get pass the generator room you will or takedown the rebels in the two rooms you will then have to delete the message to which it goes loud you then head back but a rebel locked the door behind you so you tell your droid to slice the door lock and fight the rebels going back to the room that is the generator room you then head down the ramp into the next room in front of you when you are in it you can shoot the door panel behind you to keep your back covered you then tell your droid to open the door in front of you and you fight enemies in 4 rooms (or you can just rush it all the way to the last locked door) once you do that you will come to the last locked door to which you tell your droid to unlock it but this one has a malfunction so you have to defend you and your droid while the droid is opening the door once it has open you then head to a escape pod and go to the corvus (inferno squad command center ship) to which the mission is completed

(sorry if some parts are messed up i spent a bit of time but i type fast)