100% category discussion
3 years ago

And yet another category discussion. I believe we have to sort out first the rules for 100% before any other categories can be established in a way that they make sense. For the moment I'd define 100% as:

  1. finishing the quests/missions which involves the respective alien race
  2. get all artifacts
  3. visit all rainbow worlds

Motivation: The aliens we meet (or not meet) in this game have several quests for you to complete. We want to complete as many as possible for 100%. Here is a list with a few keywords describing the tasks. There are a few tasks I'm completely unsure how to deal with them. I marked them in bold. See the points of discussion for more details.

  • Androsynth: learn their fate?
  • Arilou Lalee'lay (a.k.a. Arilou): formal alliance, quasiportal spawner
  • Chmmr: alliance, use sun device
  • Druuge: get all artifacts from them, (get a Druuge Mauler?)
  • Humans: get radioactives to starbase & defend against Ilwrath, Defend Unzervalt?
  • Ilwrath: send them to war with Traddash to save Pkunk
  • Melnorme: get all technologies & information -> 4425 credits: 13x150 techn, 33x75 info (8x events, 16x aliens, 9x history) ↔ 5000 from Rainbow worlds
  • Mycon: lure them into the Syreen's trap, get Sun Device
  • Orz: alliance
  • Precursor: get their artifacts, visit the rainbow worlds?
  • Pkunk: alliance, send the Ilwrath to war with Traddash to save them
  • Shofixti: alliance -> give the maidens to Tanaka (Delta Gorno)
  • Slylandro: get the probe destruction code & wipe the probes out
  • Spathi: alliance -> destroy the Evil Ones; Umgah Hyperwave broadcaster
  • Supox: alliance
  • Syreen: alliance -> part of the Sun Device arc -> one more visit after Organon battle
  • Thraddash: alliance? -> destroy 25 Torch ships
  • Umgah: Talking Pet; get the 4 Umgah ships?
  • Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah: Defend Zoq-Fot-Pik
  • Ur-Quan Kzer-Za: Defend Unzervalt?
  • Utwig: give them the repaired Ultron
  • VUX: bring them the VUX beast (Alpha Cerenkov I VUX, Delta Lyncis I beast)
  • Yehat: formal alliance with rebels -> show them a Shofixti, cutscene before Sa-Matra (at least 1 empty ship slot)
  • Zoq-Fot-Pik: alliance & keep them alive -> defend them against Kohr-Ah attack

Motivation: Actually most of the artifacts/items are mandatory for the completion of the game (as we see in any%). But for 100% I'd consider it the goal to get them all. Which also means in the case of the Egg case fragments -> get all 3 of them.

  • Moon Base
  • Aqua Helix
  • Clear Spindle
  • Rosy Sphere
  • Ultron
  • Utwig Bomb
  • 3x Deep Child Egg Case Fragments (Beta Copernicus I, Gamma Scorpii I or Gamma Brahe I))
  • Syreen Shuttle
  • Sun device
  • Ur-Quan Warp Pod
  • Quasispace Portal Spawner
  • Vux Beast
  • Shofixti Maidens
  • Bruvixese Hyperwave Broadcaster
  • Umgah Hyperwave Broadcaster
  • Taalo Shield
  • Talking Pet
  • Glowing Rod
  • Wimbli's Trident
  • Slylandro Probe Self-Destruct Code -> not sure if that should really count as an item as it doesn't show up in the devices menu, but Hayes mentions it. We do the Slylandro quest anyways, so it's fine.

Motivation: I consider the rainbow worlds as the pinnacle of the exploration aspect in this game. The completionist style of visiting every planet is just too much to fit in any kind of run (that would probably take more than 20 hours). So just these 10 planets is the version we can live with. There are 10 rainbow worlds located on the starmap. Usually far away from Sol & not very close to other objectives. Visit all of them -> orbit is enough, no need to land with the lander. For a list see this link: https://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Rainbow_World

I made a run where I tried to complete everything I mentioned in the above sections. As you can see I had quite some trouble with the Traddash, as the alliance is not possible once they are at war with the Ilwrath.

I'd love to hear your views on the 100% category as I outlined it above. I have a few points I'm kinda lost how to deal with them, here they come:

  • learn the fate of the Androsynth? Afaik Hayes & the Arilou both mention the Androsynth and their conflict with the Orz. There are the ruins on Eta Vulpeculae 2 which give decisive hints what happend to them. Also both the Androsynth and the Orz don't get much screentime. Is that motivation enough to include that in the run?
  • Defend Unzervalt? The captain, the flagship & the initial crew come from Unzervalt in the Vela system. If one goes there you will find Unzerval slave-shielded and an Ur-Quan Dreadnought in orbit. Shall we go back to the roots?
  • Thraddash alliance? On the one hand I would love to have "get all possible alliances" as a part of 100%. On the other hand there are some issues to getting the Traddash alliance. Because you also need to send the Ilwrath away from Pkunk/Chmmr space to complete the game. This shortens the time window you can actually pull that alliance off. Should we consider it as a nice challenge for routing? Or is it just a natural course of events in the world of Star Control.
Edited by the author 3 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

In response to your questions, I will give my opinion. For Androsynth fate, I think you should not need to do that, but if you do, you would probably be required to hit three buildings on their homeworld until the scientist goes crazy, not learn about them from other races. For getting a Druuge Mauler, I don't think you should need to get that, but if you have to, than you must get one of each obtainable ship in the game at some point in the run. For Rainbow Worlds, I think you should have to orbit each one. For Thraddash, I think you should gain them as an alliance by destroying 25 ships. I think you should only have to get 4 Umgah ships if you need to get every other type of ship. For defending Unzervalt, I don't think you should have to do that, since nothing happens if you leave the Ur-Quan there. Definitely get all of the items, just like the All Items category.

Keep in mind that these are just my opinions, but I believe this set of rules would be pretty good for 100%.