The 100% glitchless run uses it.
There's a case to be made about the game being more enjoyable and skill-based with save scumming. But I feel like an outsider would be surprised to see it in Glitchless.
But the devs will probably fix it, which makes it more of a bug than an emergent mechanic.
What do you all think?
I still think it is difficult to say if it is a bug or not. Game specifically specifies going to main menu saves the game and the other one does not, so it is sensible this would happen. It is getting to close to alt+F4 option which likely should be considered a bug, but smart usage of the menu is less clear. Due to this I don't see it as a bug.
However, I am personally for defining it as a trick reserved for unrestricted (putting the current 100% run in unrestricted). It makes the 100% glitchless a thing no one would bother with, as it is tedious to farm low% drops, but for the other categories it is preferred distinction IMO. Keeping glitchless much closer to gamedev intended play, which works very well for the shorter categories, as it allows for more strats as different variant of play becomes more viable.
Glitchess 100% being a thing that needs grind and luck is kinda fun. It becomes more of a tedious rage category and I don't see any other category be like that
here is what the current dev said about the current method of save scumming:
The other method is alt+f4 the game which I don't think can be categorized as glitchless so I'm all for considering save scumming be only allowed in unrestricted.
As discussed on the discord, save scumming is now reserved for unrestricted only. 100% glitchless was moved to unrestricted