How to enable auto splitting and IGT through Livesplit
How to enable auto splitting and IGT through Livesplit
Updated 4 years ago by Refrag

This tutorial is gonna show you how to activate and use the autosplitter for Livesplit. It will also give you the In Game Time that is required to submit a run (instead of having to manually add all the tracks times)

Activating the script:

So you want to right click on Livesplit then on Edit Splits, after that, make sure your game is set as Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and you should be able to click on activate

You want to make sure that your executable name is srb2kart.exe. Now, if with the game launched, you're getting this message:

Then refer to the how to use section of this link

Getting the IGT:

There are different ways to get the IGT, if you did a run with the autosplitter, you can have the IGT in the Edit Splits window:

You can also add a second timer to your layout and set one to real time and the other one to game time:

There are also other ways you can use IGT but those are the main one and the easiest, if you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask them in the SRB2 Speedrunning discord ! Good luck on the runs and have fun !