Any% Solo in 13m 07s by
Just a casual WR on my first playthrough of the game, since nobody apparently runs the PS compilations
Timing might be off by a second or two, I'm not a speedrunner
Mod info:
PS Ports, Xbox, Steam, Wii, Switch and Saturn runs in a near future will be put in the Arcade category, as those sub-categories mentioned won't need to be there. Your PS run will be moved to real Arcade category, specifying Arcade category will be focus of all runs related to it.
Removal of Categories Based on Score
Probably at the end of July the 3 categories 10K, 20K, and 30K are set to be removed, since the main goal of this game is Any% for all platforms.
The 10k, 20k, 30k were set before taking care moderation of this leaderboard. The last day of this month all these 3 "score" categories gonna be remo