Recently i made a run and it showed 50 ms. But i could only get 500 or 050, i chossed 500, but what we do in this case?
I do not completely understand your question. I know that when you are doing IL's the game only shows two decimal places however this site forces us to use three. That is not a timing bug though. What you are supposed to do is add a extra 0 at the end. So for instance if you got a 1.50 second run for instance you add a extra 0 at the end at submit it as 1.500. I apologize if this does not answer your question through as again I do not quite understand it.
Yep as Zehher said.
Let's say you got a 23.05. That's 23s 050ms. If you got a 23.50, that's 23s 500ms.
Not a bug, just that the in-game sonic timers don't show 3 decimal places. It only shows up to cs (centiseconds).
Locking this as I feel it is resolved. Feel free to poke me on Discord (Von Ryder#8348) or through the Speedrun site messages if you need any more clarification.
UPDATE--Previous thread title edited: Temporary pause on Sonic 1 Tails submissions (Sonic Origins patch 2.0.1) With patch 2.0.2, the issues have been fixed and submissions have now been reopened.
Hey folks,
Due to some major issues introduced with Sonic Origins Plus Patch 2.0.1, there will be a t