Individual World Speedruns
19 days ago

Is there any reason there aren’t individual kingdom speedruns on the leaderboards? I thought it would be a cool edition. If anyone knows why, then could you please explain it?


We used to have them but nobody submitted them so they were very inaccurate

grntsz likes this

Yeah ok, any chance they’re coming back, or no?

United States

If I had to guess, probably not unless there was some way to guarantee ppl would submit.


I agree with u but it's kinda unpopular, people just grind gold splits for any% without submitting


I still thought it should be an option, but its fine I guess

Utah, USA

I think if it was brought back it would be pretty active/accurate. idk when it was removed but I'm guessing it would do better nowadays


I don't have discord, but somebody might want to try submit the idea to a moderator maybe?

Missouri, USA

It allows a more runs for SMO I don't think it hurts to add it but make it a hidden category or a subcategory.

Edited by the author 16 days ago
Ohio, USA

@Ferisv you can add Individual Levels that don't show automatically

Victoria, Australia

I think part of the reason for the IL leaderboards' removal was the extra work it brought for the verfiers, and there's already always been a lot of full-game runs to verify. Especially since the IL boards weren't accurate with regards to actual rankings, and full-game runs are generally considered more important/cared about, it made sense to ditch the IL boards so verification time could be better spent on the leaderboards the majority of people care about.


Maybe like 3 or 4 mods could be put on modifying only the IL speedruns, while the rest stay on full game, as the IL speedruns are shorter, and we could have both?