hey so ive been playing through this game and i noticed something, you can skip all the bosses in lake kingdom and possibly tostarina along with wooded kingdom, ive skipped the final boss in tostarina but havent tried in wooded
also the way to get max distance from a jump is this jump, hat toss, dive (cancel a ground pound with y), you should bounce off of the hat and cancel the dive, do another hat toss and dive. you wont bounce off this time but you still get a lot of distance, hope this helps
It's a shame we can't backwards long jump... ...yet ;)
thats nice and all but you can skip going over there entirely, useful in 100% tho, or a boss mode if that happens
What do you mean you can skip going over there? I know there is a way faster way of doing this specific skip do you mean skip going over to that area? Far as I know you have to go over there to get enough moons.
I don’t know if this is used in runs already but I found this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KSKGrJw_KbQ Basically, it will skip the lava section before the Under the Cheese Rocks moon.
This is a very small thing and I'm not sure if someone posted it yet but for warp pipes you can ground pound in them which pretty much cancels animation of going in the pipe. Useful for categories that force you to get warp pipe moons
oh nice, ive tried doing that in my normal run but i always end up missing them because of 3d game jank, although i think that the time saved compared to ground pound pipe entry and crouch pipe entry is pretty small, and would only come into effect when the WRs start becoming super tight, for now it doesnt matter but ill try to test it !