Update Regarding PS4/PS5 & Leaderboard Split
Update Regarding PS4/PS5 & Leaderboard Split
Posted 1 month ago by

The embargo period has officially ended. You can now submit runs performed on the PS4 and PS5 versions. Please note that Enhancements must be turned off for your run to be approved on the leaderboards.

The Sly 2 main leaderboards have been split into two versions: "No UCSS" and "UCSS" (UCSS = Universal Cutscene Skips). All existing runs currently on the leaderboards will remain under "No UCSS," while runs performed on the PS4/PS5 versions will be listed under "UCSS."

There will be no category splits for the Category Extension or Slyfecta boards, so runs performed on PS4/PS5 will appear alongside all current runs.

If a major patch is released in the future, we may need to revisit leaderboard arrangements, which could include retroactively rejecting runs if necessary.

-Sly Cooper Speedruns Mod Team

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Update Regarding PS4/PS5 & Leaderboard Split

The embargo period has officially ended. You can now submit runs performed on the PS4 and PS5 versions. Please note that Enhancements must be turned off for your run to be approved on the leaderboards.

The Sly 2 main leaderboards have been split into two versions: "No UCSS" and "UCSS" (UCSS = Univ

1 month ago
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