тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

because i dont want to join thats why.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

did you ignore the ( hopefully) part ?

i think the idea i just mentioned would look so much better for the board and it would be more prsentable you can literally find everything you need with ease.

why dont you just ask in discord about the idea i pitched and give me the feedback after all im trying to be reasonable at the moment.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

ok heres an idea just hear me out.

what if we just have a full game leaderboard but we would have crota solo crota duo/3 man crota fireteam Then new game+ any% new game duo/ 3man same with new game+

then a tab as Story Missions and then add the tabs in there as i recommended previously that would make a much cleaner board more presentable and it would involve no arguments ( hopefully) but it would all be in one place with tabs and filters and all that crap

what do you think ? surely you must agree its a possible idea ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

then put those runs in the misc tab then.

what about its just a thought if you rename the current IL to earth etc and add the tabs in there would that work ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

but didnt it allow you to add tabs like pre 2.1 2.1 no srl srl ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

i find that highly unlikely since one tab would be Earth > restoration the dark within the last array etc.

How exactly would that be worse it would look far cleaner and tidier hence all these changes are happening with full game there is no reason or excuse to not change IL it would be stupid to do full game and not IL

and for your comment it wouldnt show all missions neither does full game so it would be no different.

im telling you it would be far cleaner and tidier regardless

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

the site will be able to handle the tabs

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

why not just use tabs earth moon venus mars saturn and the respective missions in each relevant tab then add tabs for strike POE and COE

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

and before you attempt to give me bullshit look at the state of IL theres so many missions its fucking more of a mess than donald trump ( or they could be even i dont know OpieOP ). So if crota is changed here is what i propose.

a tab for earth then all missions on earth > restoration > The Dark Within > etc

Moon > The Dark Beyond > etc

Venus > The Strangers Call > etc

Mars > Exclusion Zone > etc

Saturn > The Dreadnought >etc

( Key- > = next mission ( obviously)

the same could happen with strikes prison of elders and challenge of elders.

i see no reason how this cannot be implemented if crota is changed either way it will clean up IL

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

well if crota is changed then IL needs changing that board has way more issues than full game fix that as well then if thats the way you want to clean it up theres no excuse.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

well crota's leaderboard was changed and the tabs solo crota titan solo crota hunter and solo crota warlock ( which is why i brought this post up ) was all changed so your telling me they shouldn't of been changed ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

hmmm fair enough. But shouldn't runners who mainly run crota have the upper hand vote as they run it ? i see it as pointless for someone who runs IL to have a say on Crota runs of course this is vice versa makes no sense to me but thats my opinion even though it is a community effort to tidy the boards up.

However IL and Full Game ( Crota ) are seperate boards so why should crota be changed and not IL ? as IL have a shit ton more missions and crota only has fireteam duo and solo with the three different classes ? Again this is a genuine question not an argument or dispute.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

i just found it simpler by clicking the relevant tab for example solo crota titan/hunter.warlock now it seems messed up and unorganised the way it is i despise filters for runs I just absolutely hate them they look shit unorganised and not optimal for displaying runs but thats my opinion also i would also like to express that was the only issue i had i found that the solo crota being different irritated me just looks wrong but i understand it is cleaning it up and i respect that i just wish the crota layout wasnt changed now i find no purpose for solo crota filters tabs were easier. also i recently quit smoking so it easily pissed me off my apologies if i seemed arrogant but i have had arguments with other games i run about very similar issues about layout changes few saw it my way others found it better different i just prefer it to be discussed.

however my main concern is why were the crota (solo) tabs/layouts changed ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

well to be honest i really never checked the misc tab so my apologies on that part but honestly i preferred the board how it was it looked much better dont get me wrong i agree it does look cleaner to a certain amount but wouldn't it be easier if multiple categories were removed obviously once voted for ?

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

i appreciate the offer of the mod status but i will turn it down but thanks for the offer. And exactly how was the leaderboard glitched ? it seemed perfectly fine to me i saw no issue with it.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

hahaha are you serious ^^ ok there were a few grammer issues in my previous post ( i typed it on my mobile bad idea i know) but meh whatever.And i was informed by two of my friends about the recent changes made to the Raids section of the full game leaderboards which they find ridiculous and should not of been changed.

JukesAndStuff your comment "regardless of how he is currently treating us in the community" i have not treated anyone in this community with any disrespect i simply made a post regarding the changes to the leaderboards.

xJackieBx when i mentioned " what a joke" i was referring to the coding and characters issue which has since been corrected and also as i said im not bothered if people agree or disagree with my point.

i actually feel bad for the mods for wasting there time with these changes it was unneeded the board as it was worked fine and ironically cleaner and easier to navigate im curious to what the "actual" reasons for changing the layout are.

Regardless of what anyone thinks i believe this change was a waste of time and pointless but it should of been in the forums and discussed and voted upon that way it would of been professional and a fair discussion could of taken place and for that very reason i find what the mods did was totally unacceptable .

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

i couldnt give a shit if noone agreed with me or even if they did agree with me either way it is my opinion and i was informed by a few friends who were interested in running this game they saw it and said what the fuck have they done rip to that shit game and that shit layout and i totally agree with them. And the joke was all the coding and characters that i found after the word "Raids" if you want a joke i will happily tell you one its "site" not zite if your going to make subjective comments i am only to happy to return subjective messages to you ^^ also as i made clear "THIS" should of been thrown out to the forums to be discussed and voted upon just because you say that there was no opposition to you ( ironic that i am opposing this) does not give the right to go and change the layout at the very least you could of put it out to the forum. just because you all use discord doesnt mean everyone who "sadly" runs this dogshit game uses discord to communicate with one and other most people i know use the forums which is far easier and much better.

so regardless of what any of you say if you agree with me or not ( not that i give a fuck anyway) the layout change is still dogshit and will dogshit until reverted back to how it was originally like i said its my opinion so ..... ^^

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

so its fine to say your going to do it in discord but none of you could be arsed to put on the forums but i guess that makes it ok right thats a ridiculous excuse for not putting it on the forums what a joke

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

oh right fair enough basically heres what it looks like Raids - Crota's End (Solo) its ridiculous i copied and pasted that but my point over this whole thing was things like these are a joke i personally believe it should of been left as it is especially crotas end i wouldn't be bothered if everything else on full game was changed and crotas end wasn't changed but its ridiculous what the mods have done at the very least they could of put a post up where we could discuss and vote about this subject but they seem not too give a fuck about this change either way in my opinion it is unacceptable behaviour for the mods to do wha they have just done with the changes.

if the mods had of put a post up and allowed at least 7 days discussion and voting it could of been much more professional but they think because they can just use their "powers" to just change this as they wish again this is my opinion but either way as i said before it is unacceptable.

тема: Destiny
Englandxxshadowxbossxx7 years ago

go on your profile click on full game runs and look at Raids and what follows it

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